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Cryptogram Mystery Quotes
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Sara Buxton
Sara Buxton

May-19-2009 10:19

I'll post a new cryptogram after each one is solved, first person to post the right thing get's the glory of being first to post the right answer! ;) Each quote will either be by a famous mystery author or about mysteries. For extra credit, you can say what the author did or where the quote comes from. I'll start out with a short one. Good luck!


Demon of the Due Date

May-21-2009 20:20

And that female author is someone you should all know. And if you don't know who she is then shame on you! ;-)

Lolita Marinez
Lolita Marinez
Sleuth About Town

May-22-2009 18:48

Curious things, habits. People themselves never knew they had them.
- Agatha Christie

Agatha and her sister did not go to school - instead, they had tutors at home. At the age of seventeen, Agatha went for a year to a 'finishing school' in Paris.

Anais Nin
Anais Nin

Oct-24-2009 08:26

Ok! I thought I would try this again. :)

13 / 21_10_13_1_1_19 / 5_26_26_24 / 24_10_3_10_8_3_14_23_10 / 18_10_23_10_21 / 5_10_3_9 / 25_13_21_21_14_10_24.

21_13_19_25_26_18_24 / 8_2_13_18_24_1_10_21


Have fun!

Demon of the Due Date

Oct-24-2009 10:11

I got it, wont post the answer though, I'll let some of you have fun with it. Anais I PMed the solution to you! :-D

Anais Nin
Anais Nin

Oct-24-2009 10:35

And, of course, ctown got it right...

I don't know if I will ever be able to stump him! ;)

Demon of the Due Date

Oct-24-2009 11:01

Don't feel bad Anais, many have tried! You forget that a jenius like me knows everything! ;-)

Molly Maltese
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe

Oct-24-2009 12:02



Demon of the Due Date

Oct-24-2009 13:05

no no no Molly, the correct spelling is jenius.

Sheesh, who are you gonna believe? Everyone else in the world or a real jenius like me? ;-)

Molly Maltese
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe

Oct-24-2009 13:39

... *pointedly raises eyebrows*

Well, I always did like the underdog. Jenius it is!

Molly Maltese
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe

Oct-24-2009 13:57

Oh, and is it "A really good detective never gets married" by Raymond Chandler?

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