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Reactivated Detective

Keira Ann
Keira Ann

May-6-2009 11:40

Recently, I had to reactivate my detective due to 3 FA's. I lost my contacts per the rules. My question is, will I be able to get contacts again? I have now been doing favors for 2 days with no luck getting a contact. Am I doomed to never have contacts again?


Old Shoe

May-6-2009 11:50

no you will eventually get them again

Keira Ann
Keira Ann

May-7-2009 00:58

Thanks! The power of posting....I just got one of my contacts back!

Pinball Amateur

May-7-2009 21:00

No, you'll eventually get 'em back, like Yoyo said, but you will have to go about it the hard way, just like we all do, one by one. Since this is presumably your second (or even third) contact, it will probably be a while until you get a new one. They tend to come about 150,000 exp. points apart, after you get the first two. So good luck, and happy contact hunting!! ;-)

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