Treasure Hunt Countdown Tournament
Apr-26-2009 11:15
Hello fellow sleuthers,
We have a new tournament to announce. This one will be in the form of Treasure Hunts and is similar to the dart game 301. details can be found here:
Any agency wishing to join simply post so on this thread or send me a PM. The match will begin on Monday, May 18, 2009.
Thanks to Magdalene for helping me to come up with the idea and the rules.
Replies |
Old Shoe
May-5-2009 11:42
Ive been told that Eye Spy is interested too :)
May-8-2009 11:37
Just over a week to go to sign up! Oh and I probably should sya the DPI is officially playing as well! ;-)
Pinball Amateur
May-13-2009 15:14
So when's this shindig start up again? I know, I'm lazy. Shoot me. *wink*
Sleuth About Town
May-13-2009 15:25
to quote Ctown above... "The match will begin on Monday, May 18, 2009."
Have FUN!
May-17-2009 15:01
All set to start tomorrow. There is still time for any late entries. Remember, current treasure hunts going on do not qualify, only ones taht begin after the start time.
Teams can be found here:
Good luck everyone!
Sister Rosetta
May-17-2009 15:55
Huh, that's odd. I was sure our agency had entered.
May-17-2009 16:39
You are right Sister Rosetta, I had forgotten that Kirstie PMed me about it. I have you in now! :-D
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer
May-18-2009 03:12
Maybe you can keep track of the news paper ctown and immediately announce the update .This way do not have to wright down anything nad you can judge immediately.
What is your opinion?...I can understand that the load of work may be too much but the proccess will be facilitated
May-18-2009 06:01
I will be trying to keep track of the newspaper, but in the event that I miss something there, it would also be helpful for you all to post here when a hunt is completed. That will give me the reminder.
One slight clerical error in my post of teams, Wish On A Star, had a temp visitor before the match started. That visitor has been removed from their agency and they are a Division B team. The website has been updated to reflect this small change
May-18-2009 06:03
Oh Yeah, and I see two Hunts have been completed since turnover, that means the next two that start will be qualifiers for this tournament!
Happy Sleuthing! :-D