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My Boast Post
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Lolita Marinez
Lolita Marinez
Sleuth About Town

Apr-20-2009 08:55

I finished my first VH! I got a new dress! I got Secret #1 and I'm just proud of myself. I'm working on Flat Black right now and I plan to have that very soon! So I thought I would boast a little and you could all think I was full of myself and bring me down to size with your accomplishments!

So what did you earn from this game. How young were you when you did it? C'mon people. Talk up your accomplishments. For the ancient members of the crew it can be reminiscing 101! LOL


Old Shoe

Jul-5-2009 09:02

Oooh... So many compliments... I feel like I'm on The Bachelor here... Or was it just a sarcastic comment to my self esteem?

Old Shoe

Jul-5-2009 09:13

We are the Lilys and Marshalls and you're Barney Stinson.

Old Shoe

Jul-5-2009 09:59

I can live with that...

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