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The Who I am happy to see online thread
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Old Shoe

Apr-17-2009 15:42

This is my attempt to contribute to do something for Sleuth.
We are all people, and we all like that someone notice us.

And, in a community like this, where many different people are, we are not always able to express that we apreciate someone else who are here.

So I will dedicate this thread to mention a couple of people I am happy to see online, and share a couple of thoughts why he/she means something for me. And, I do hope that most of the other people here will join into the thread add a couple of names, say something nice about them.

The result I hope for are that people will see that someone notice they are here, and apreciate them. Making them happy, and thinking this is a nice place to be. Even though it's not my strength, remember to see newbies too :-)

Here you go:
I smile when I see Evelyn Gardner online. She have always been wise and very kind. And, she is obviously hard working.

I am happy when I see Breitkat online, or one of her friends. Breitkat have always been willing to speak clearly, and are very good at writing funny stories. She is also good at helping people up that feel down of some reason.

I like seeing Aknas online. She have always been a very kind person. Some times brutally honest, but always kind and caring.

Now, who are next to pick someone to apreciate?



May-12-2020 20:15

Then by all means, you must abide your oath.


May-13-2020 06:40

Glad to see the honorable Secret Squirrel is also around.

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Nov-26-2022 14:31

Thinking this needs to be brought back up...

Streets are more deserted than they used to be, but even so....

IMA VAGABOND is baaaackkkkkkk *does the Cabbage Patch dance* This woman is legendary and I smiled upon her return.

BadAss/Cro-Ive so enjoyed our conversational exchanges as well as the trash talking/bantering during our Treasure Hunting competition :D

Keira Ann-Shes been in my agency for a long time but I just love her to pieces. She's so sweet.

Cannot forget my sweet Bela Talbot-I love my little Bela

I'll save more for another post.

Ok whose next guys??

Old Shoe

Nov-26-2022 17:42

I am relatively new (I created the account a while ago, but just got to play more seriously quite recently).

I am happy to see Lady Jas, as we interact a lot.

I am happy to see Cro Magnon, BadAss, Hans Landa, Sleuth Sindy and all of the other members of my Agency since they help me to improve my character.


Ima Vagabond
Ima Vagabond

Nov-26-2022 18:29

*looks around*

"Hi old friends..."

*doesn't recognize many people*

"...and new friends! Now, what kind of trouble can we get into?" ;)

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Nov-26-2022 19:09

Lots Ima, LOTS!! :D

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Nov-26-2022 23:24

Wandering1, while I don't know him, and have never exchanged a message with him. I love seeing him online because I see him on everyday, and that makes me happy.

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Nov-27-2022 00:13

And of course, Ben and Sunny graced us with their presence and I am smiling!

Always good to see these two pop on. They are quite extraordinary!!

Keira Ann
Keira Ann

Nov-27-2022 11:47

Aw, thanks Lady Jas!

Jas- an all-around delightful person and thank you for always keeping us running

Riza- always good to see pop up as I equate you to one of the legendary sleuths

Badass- we haven't interacted much, but I enjoy seeing you on here and commiserate with you on urchin issues :)

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Nov-27-2022 21:01

Baam-Gotten to know him recently. Super cool guy, and all around pleasure to have a conversation with.

Miss Snopes-I always love talking with her. Often we don't even start our messages with "hi" or anything of that sort. And I love our Furore competitions :D

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