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The Who I am happy to see online thread
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Old Shoe

Apr-17-2009 15:42

This is my attempt to contribute to do something for Sleuth.
We are all people, and we all like that someone notice us.

And, in a community like this, where many different people are, we are not always able to express that we apreciate someone else who are here.

So I will dedicate this thread to mention a couple of people I am happy to see online, and share a couple of thoughts why he/she means something for me. And, I do hope that most of the other people here will join into the thread add a couple of names, say something nice about them.

The result I hope for are that people will see that someone notice they are here, and apreciate them. Making them happy, and thinking this is a nice place to be. Even though it's not my strength, remember to see newbies too :-)

Here you go:
I smile when I see Evelyn Gardner online. She have always been wise and very kind. And, she is obviously hard working.

I am happy when I see Breitkat online, or one of her friends. Breitkat have always been willing to speak clearly, and are very good at writing funny stories. She is also good at helping people up that feel down of some reason.

I like seeing Aknas online. She have always been a very kind person. Some times brutally honest, but always kind and caring.

Now, who are next to pick someone to apreciate?


M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Jul-9-2015 20:33

I've got to say, Its good to be back!


Oct-8-2015 04:44

Mr. Joey "Bulldoge" Bane has been sighted again; last I heard, was that some bar in Delhi was being ransacked :)

shell marple
shell marple
Con Artist

Mar-21-2016 19:54

It's great to see Badass roaming the streets of Sleuthville. Welcome back!


Mar-26-2016 11:26

My bad it took me a while to see this post ... Thx Shell and I must say the streets look a bit deserted.

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

May-3-2020 18:29

I think this needs a little boost!

Brandon Brookes-my agency mate who always makes me smile. Genuinely a sweet soul.

Jesse Hunter-my Sleuth BESTIE FOREVER!!!!!!

Miss Snopes-Our conversations cover anything and everything!

Akans-Always so kind and sweet in everything she says and does!

Sleuth Sindy-she took a chance on a peasant girl way back when :)

There are more, but I"ll save them for later posts..

miss snopes
miss snopes

May-3-2020 19:37

Oh, an oldie but a goodie!

Lady Jas - YES on the conversations!!! :D

Aknas - My oldest friend in Sleuth. We were agency mates for years (until we got evicted for nonpayment of rent back when agencies vanished into thin air).

Bela Talbot III - Always makes me laugh.

Jesse Hunter - We don't get to talk often as you have your hands full in and out of sleuth but I enjoy the times we do.

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

May-3-2020 19:42

Careful Missy, don't age ourselves too much :P

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

May-4-2020 10:38

Bela Talbot III- Because she's one of the only two peole that call me "Jassy" and can get away with it!!

Secret Squirrel- No explanation needed. One of my favorite Aussie peoples...


May-4-2020 15:58

Pfft! Peasant girl, indeed!

But we "grew up" together - everyone was at the same level with their detectives and we all learned the ropes together. Really the best way to go. :)


May-4-2020 15:59

Oh, sorry. Another one of Sleuth Sindy's multiple personalities...


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