Who's Next?
Adam Carter
Big Winner
Mar-21-2009 19:03
Guess who will be the next to post.
Prizes if you get it right, forfeits if you are wrong.
To start us off:
Replies |
M. Lacrimosa
Apr-25-2010 16:31
No...its me...
Do I hear Vulkie coming in?
Apr-26-2010 03:08
Maybe, but I came first.
Does anyone else see Cordy coming towards the board?
Louise Cornwallis
Apr-27-2010 09:34
No, I saw her knitting something some time ago.
Ercule, have you ever seen this game?
Apr-27-2010 20:40
I wouldn't know. But I sure have!
M .Larcrimosa might be on his way here.
M. Lacrimosa
Apr-28-2010 18:58
You are correct, my friend. How on earth did you guess that?
Louise? Is that you?
Apr-28-2010 21:14
"Barges in". How dare you call me Louise. I just pop outside for a quick smoke with JZ (Joseph Zeo) and I come back and you call me Louise? :o.
Speaking of which, is that Riza I see coming in?
Kyle XY Rocks
Pinball Amateur
Apr-29-2010 16:01
Nope. Just your Friendly Neighbourhood Kyle!
My predictions points to M.Lacrimosa!
Louise Cornwallis
Apr-30-2010 08:46
You're WRONG!!
Is that ctown?
Apr-30-2010 20:14
That's right! I AM Clowntown! Perhaps Vulkie?
M. Lacrimosa
Apr-30-2010 20:38
*Walks in from the pouring rain*
Honestly? Do I look like Vulkie? lol
Do I see Vulkie coming now?