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The last person to post wins
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Demon of the Due Date

Mar-15-2009 14:00

The object of this game is to be the last person to post in this thread! So right now I am the winner and the rest of you are losers! :-P


M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Aug-7-2015 13:43

I know. Isn't it great? Because I'm winning

Sultry De Mon
Sultry De Mon
Con Artist

Aug-8-2015 11:24

No, you're losing.

Ed Carlyle
Ed Carlyle

Aug-10-2015 10:57

I win!

Sultry De Mon
Sultry De Mon
Con Artist

Aug-11-2015 20:36

Thanks for holding that for me.

My Precious

M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Aug-12-2015 13:00

Ms. De Mon, thank you for holding that for me.

M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Aug-12-2015 13:00

Ms. De Mon, thank you for holding that for me.

Sultry De Mon
Sultry De Mon
Con Artist

Aug-12-2015 14:09

You're welcome
You're welcome again.

Now, I'll take what is mine.


Aug-12-2015 17:01

*hurriedly speeds away after seeing Sultry doze off with the cup* -> Well, thank you Miss De Mon :) - I'll be keeping this safe

Ed Carlyle
Ed Carlyle

Aug-13-2015 11:10

Thank you, Vulkie! I'll be taking this now

Sultry De Mon
Sultry De Mon
Con Artist

Aug-13-2015 16:48

Ed, Ed, Eddie... You can't have it, it belongs to me.

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