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The last person to post wins
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Mar-15-2009 14:00

The object of this game is to be the last person to post in this thread! So right now I am the winner and the rest of you are losers! :-P


M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Dec-15-2013 20:09

Not quite :D

Emily Christine II
Emily Christine II

Dec-16-2013 00:36

And wrong again. :D

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Dec-16-2013 05:19

You're all wrong; I win! *music plays in the background as I heroically save the day again*

Emily Christine II
Emily Christine II

Dec-17-2013 00:35

I ... think not? *stops the music playing in the bagaround ... blah, blah, blah ... and whatever :)*

No way. You lose. I know you're okay with that. :D

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Dec-17-2013 02:52

Says who? And no, your opinion doesn't count.

Emily Christine II
Emily Christine II

Dec-19-2013 00:09

Lo, and behold, the great ...

Duh! :)

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Dec-19-2013 00:54


Emily Christine II
Emily Christine II

Dec-19-2013 02:27


Emily Christine II
Emily Christine II

Dec-19-2013 02:28


Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Dec-19-2013 06:21


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