The last person to post wins
Mar-15-2009 14:00
The object of this game is to be the last person to post in this thread! So right now I am the winner and the rest of you are losers! :-P
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Jun-29-2013 17:16
Anyone curious as to why I stopped posting here? Because I already won, here's how I did it. I got into my time machine.....my patented time machine and went to the year 2525 and posted on this thread...no one else was playing anymore as holograms and thought warping are more popular in that era. So have fun with this thread while this technology is available losers.
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist
Jun-29-2013 21:40
Was that patented or pretend, now, Sophie? :D
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist
Jun-30-2013 02:28
And, you stopped playing to avoid my wrath, right? *ducks as Sophie throws her poisonous Guardian Sister cane, and runs :)*
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Jun-30-2013 04:23
Oh my precious and precarious Bela......I told you how this will end. But I do encourage you to have fun with this while you can. By that I mean while the technology exists.
I would show you my time machine but I fear you would steal it and use it for self-serving purposes. I can't have that; can't allow it. But take comfort that you have the possibility of winning this thread using this technology during this century. :)
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist
Jun-30-2013 05:32
Hmph...and I bet *you're* using it for the good of mankind, Sophie... :)
*Glad to have you back on this thread...winning all the time without any competition can get a little boring...not that you'd know about it, in this century, at least... :)*
P.s. See? So, it *was* because you were wary of my wrath...you even gave me a whole century all to myself :P
Never fear, I *am* a "collector of rare objects" after all (read: master thief :), I'll get it sooner or later...
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Jun-30-2013 06:50
I think you're a collector / purveyor of * given the way you're scattering them around. You gave up 8 of them in your previous post.
*But who's counting?
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist
Jun-30-2013 07:44
*tilts head sideways*
*still doesn't get it*
Sorry, Sophie, but you've lost me...I'm still the winner, though, or as we used to say out of respect for your feelings,
I win! :)
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist
Jun-30-2013 08:54
Hey, I got it! Sure, I collect those too, but that's not the *rare* part...'cause, like you said, I wouldn't go about scattering them, huh? So, this one's for you...
You're welcome.
*I win*
*And yeah, I'm still doing it* * You just made a bad thing worse :)*
*And it took me all of 70 minutes to figure that out...no way I'll be buliding my own time machine; I'll just have to "collect" yours, Sophie :) *
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Jul-1-2013 18:21
70 minutes. Hmmmm.
Either I get up earlier than you or you sleep in. Either way you're in my rear view mirror .
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist
Jul-2-2013 04:00
70 minutes between those two posts, and for me to figure it out...I'm fast, all right! :)
I'd count, but nah, I prefer to win :)