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Battered Shoe

Mar-15-2009 13:59

This was a game that they played in Shades for a while and it was pretty fun.

The idea is that you post the first part of a News headline, and the next poster has to finish it. Then they have to post a new first part of a headline.

Get it? Have fun!


M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Feb-5-2010 21:11

an explosion that literally blew his butt off. When asked about how far a long the case is, the lead detective replied "There is no end in sight."

Top Story! Comedian Frank Mills died yesterday morning from...

Sir William Weine
Sir William Weine
Lucky Stiff

Feb-6-2010 01:52

...Frankmillsaphobia. He scared himself to death after looking in a mirror for the first time in his life yesterday.

In less morbid news, it has been found that playing Sleuth...

Elizabeth March
Elizabeth March
Sleuth About Town

Feb-6-2010 07:05

... can decrease the chance of heart attacks. But only if you get daily doses.

In related news, it has been found that Shady...

Sir William Weine
Sir William Weine
Lucky Stiff

Feb-6-2010 10:03

... is actually a transvestite. Almost all Sleuths are shocked except for some moderators who already knew and had blackmailed him to let them away. Agency director Vampiric Smile was asked whether or not he knew this. He replied, bemused: "I tried to bite him when I found out he was secretly a murderer but he kept brushing me away. Apparantly he thought I was trying to pull off his disguise." Other officials are trying to find a new, less shady, Shady.

In other news, the Queen, who is not a transvestite, declared...

Elizabeth March
Elizabeth March
Sleuth About Town

Feb-6-2010 13:17

... that every British citizen is, from now on, forbidden to pay Shady to clear off their False Accusations. Those who insist on doing so will be locked up at an unknown location.

The whole world is stunned by a new scientific discovery: Dolphins are not only cute, they're also very useful in...

Sir William Weine
Sir William Weine
Lucky Stiff

Feb-7-2010 05:22

...making wigs for the rich. A new, dolphin-skin thread has been also invented. However, one 5 cm thread costs over $25,000,000,000 so the latest fur coat range is not for everyone.

In other, less cruel news, Swiss Cheese Ltd. (the baseball company), has teamed up with...

Elizabeth March
Elizabeth March
Sleuth About Town

Feb-7-2010 09:37

... Swiss Cheese Ltd. (the cheese company). They decided to team up and create the largest cheese/baseball company ever.

In Sleuth bussiness news, The Silk Market in Shanghai...

Kell Dewclaw
Kell Dewclaw
Trusted Informer

Feb-8-2010 21:04

has been forced to near bankruptcy by the popularity of dolphin skin thread among the rich and chic.

"Silk is suddenly out of style, but we simply don't have the capital to invest in the newest trend. We're currently retooling to produce a lower cost product which is marketable to a much larger customer base."

The establishment will reopen its doors in two weeks as "The Polyester Market"

Now, in a surprising turn of events, 73 fluffy puppies were found...


Feb-9-2010 17:12

... in the back of Octavia Vrooman's barber shop. In other, completely un-related news, OV Wigs Ltd. has introduced a new line of toupees that has been very well received by New York's high society.

This just in: Shanghai's three-legged wonder horse...

Elizabeth March
Elizabeth March
Sleuth About Town

Feb-11-2010 05:03

... has decided to stop racing. Rumor has it that the horse will be moving to a farm and starting a family.
Story remains unconfirmed.

In Cairo news, citizens are outraged by the...

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