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A terribly sad announcement
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Old Shoe

Jan-10-2009 21:09

It is with huge regret and sadness that I must tell you all that Kas passed away yesterday morning.

Her heart stopped and she was only 56. She will be buried in Vancouver in the next few days by her grieving family.

For those of you who didn't know her very well, she was the kindest and sweetest woman you are likely to meet and Hunters won't be the same without her. She loved Sleuth and our community has lost a truly important member.

I may keep on her avatar in rememberance.

If you have any messages for her family then please post them and I shall pass them on.

I'm still speechless and it will take some time to sink in.

I thank you all for taking the time to read this.


Old Shoe

Jan-12-2009 21:31

I havent been around much lately and was quite shocked when I signed in today and read this post. Kaz was a good friend and mentor to all and will be deeply missed by all who knew her My deepest condolences to her family and Im sure she is looking down on us all right now with a very caring eye.

You will be missed

Old Shoe

Jan-13-2009 17:15

I have just heard from Kathi's sister. Here is what she wrote:

''Thanks for your thoughts & kind words. We have just arranged for the service on Friday at 11:00 AM, but in lieu of flowers or anything of that sort, if you and anyone else wanted to do something in her memory, a memorial to PADS (Pacific Assisance Dog Society) would be greatly appreciated.

I don't know if you were aware of Kathi's association with that organization, but she & her late husband & their son Dane were all involved with them for many years. Her husband Gary had MS and had one of the dogs as a companion for serveral years before he died, and Kathi was a puppy-raiser for them. She would have the puppies for the first 18 months before they went into advanced training. In fact, one of the dogs now in advanced training is being sponsored in Gary's honor. If you are interested in something like this, you can go to their website ( and find any information there for doing that.

Thanks for everything -

Sandi ''

I have contacted PADS and have asked them to set up a Kas Memorial fund - I should hear back from them soon.

If anyone wishes to contribute you can send money to my paypal account .

I also invite everyone to light a candle in Kas's memory on Friday.

Thank you.


Jan-13-2009 18:53

Ddog, I know that you and Kas were good friends, and I thank you for taking all this on while you deal with your own grief. Although flowers are beautiful, this type of memorial is much more meaningful and worthy of Kathi's memory, and I'm glad her sister brought it to our (via you) attention.

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Jan-14-2009 09:28

Ddog, thank you very much for getting in touch with Kas' sister. The memorial fund sounds like a great idea to me. Do you have a planned deadline to send over the donation?

J. Monroe
J. Monroe

Jan-14-2009 16:36

I heard from PADS today. They cannot put a specific 'Kas' memorial on the site but are delighted to accept a donation in her honour.

I plan to leave it until Friday to allow anyone who wishes to contribute to do so & then send them our donation on behalf of the Sleuth Community.

Thank you to all those who have contributed already - it makes me proud to be part of this community.

Once I have handed over our donations I shall post the total raised and any message from PADS.

Thank you and I'll be in touch again soon.

Old Shoe

Jan-15-2009 18:37

Sandi (Kathi's sister) just sent a message i thought I would sher with you:

'Thank you SO much for your caring & all the kind words. And all the messages from the rest of the Sleuth community are totally overwhelming!

I've forwarded them to our brother & Kathi's son so both can read them again at their leisure.

Thanks again -


Old Shoe

Jan-16-2009 11:59

The payment to PADS went out today. We have raised $300 between us!

It's been officially dedicated to Kathi. If anyone wants to contact PADS you can on

Many MANY thanks to everyone for being so generous and supportive.

Battered Shoe

Jan-17-2009 22:36

I just logged in today for the first time in a while and didn't expect to see such horrid news. My thoughts are with Kas's family and friends in this time of need.

miss snopes
miss snopes

Jan-28-2009 13:13

Due to an incredibly busy month in RL, I haven't read the boards in a while and somehow I managed to miss this terrible news until now. There are no words for the sadness I am feeling. We have lost a truly great person.

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