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i'm new to slueth and am looking for a new home
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Sunni Dae
Sunni Dae

Nov-24-2008 17:35

Hi I'm new to slueth and looking for a new home. I'd like Shanghi but it can be anywhere.


Old Shoe

Nov-26-2008 23:10

what happened with the home you had it seems they gave you clothes and cash to travel and yet you left?

Sunni Dae
Sunni Dae

Nov-27-2008 15:07

they didn't need a full time member and just wanted to help a newbie out, but it's all good.

Sunni Dae.

Sunni Dae
Sunni Dae

Nov-27-2008 15:38

they had had "tough" gear they didn't need anymore, and I paid them back part of my fare. i also knew the people before I joined.

Sunni Dae.

Sunni Dae
Sunni Dae

Dec-1-2008 20:54

I'm still looking for a new Home.


Dec-1-2008 22:54

Well Sunni, it looks like there is an agency hiring that is looking for a player or two. Banditville USA, have you contacted them?

Sunni Dae
Sunni Dae

Dec-4-2008 20:00

Thank you ctown28 I might just do that, but if they say no I'm also fine with Delhi. Only reason why I said Shanghi is because it kinda goes with my name. I think.

Suni Dae
Let ur days's Always be Sunny

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