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no of suspects in favors
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Nov-22-2004 07:26

is it me or very hard favor has the same no of suspects and fake vs. real like relly really hard favor? i counted in both 8 suspects and 4 vs. 4 (after reserch) can someone correct me if i'm wrong?


Naomi Hong
Naomi Hong

Nov-22-2004 16:36

The number of suspects in favours (for a given difficulty level) is the same as number of suspects in non favours (for a given difficulty level).

Your counting for really really hard is correct.

Really really hard: 8 characters, 5 of them with dodgy or no alabis (before research), and 3 pieces of physical evidence.
Incredibly hard: 8 5 4
Stupendously hard: 10 6 4
Ridiculosuly hard: 11 7 4


Nov-22-2004 16:53

Nop it differs on favours. Not 100%, but when I still kept notes a LONG time ago, I noticed it.


Nov-23-2004 14:37

yeh thats what i meant! i know favors are diffirent it just looks like really really hard favor has the same numbers as relly hard favor. thats what i didnt get, its supposed to be harder but its the same.

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