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Collect ALL skills or move to Faction Skills


Oct-23-2008 07:45

My detective is Smart and Charming and I have obtained all their corresponding skills.

Is it even worth to continue on obtaining regular TOUGH skills eventhough that is not my type?


Should I concentrate now on obtaining faction skills and leave tought skills for when there is no other choice?


Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Oct-23-2008 09:18

If I were you, I'd get all your basic skills first before getting your faction skills. Someone else may have better advice for u, in fact, Im sure of it lol but, when I was starting off, I got ALL my basic skills before my faction skills. That was just me.

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Oct-23-2008 12:12

I'd go for starting on faction skills, particularly Hypnotism and Underworld Connections. My detective is also smart and charming, and I don't think I've ever really used intimidation or interrogation skills. If you're in an agency that can provide you with access to good tough gear then there might be a few times when judge of character can show you that going tough will give you a slight edge, but personally I don't have the patience to keep changing clothes...

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Oct-23-2008 12:14

*wishes for an edit button, not for the first time*

The only tough skill I do find useful is stress detection - it might be worth picking that one up.

Old Shoe

Oct-23-2008 14:25

There are some faction skills that are very useful but the tough skills will eventually come in handy. I have all skills and dress equally tough and charming and have found that it works very well. I can solve most cases on my own and rarely have anyone clam without at least answering a question or two but there still are those days when nobody wants to cooperate but it is a personal preference. Some people will say you are wasting your time getting tough skills and others that will tell you it is the best way to go but I will say that tough skills work much better if you get the faction skill pugilism but it is totally useless without tough skills

Lucky Stiff

Oct-25-2008 00:25

Personally I would go for the faction skills that complement your detective as she is now... if you start to go for tough skills you'll need a whole new wardrobe to make them work well.

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter
Santa's Little Helper

Oct-26-2008 18:42

You don't really need two outfits. Even with a 25 or so point difference between my tough and charm (that's negative points on my charm), I find Sweet Talking/Rule Bending still works better around 12.5% of the time (based on Judge of Character). Not sure, but you may get a better return on tough skills, since the flirting bonus doesn't apply to every suspect/witness like pugilism does.

Regardless, I'd advise going after some of the faction skills first (with the exception of Lock Picking and maybe Stress Detection). The charm faction skills in particular are worth having, and picking up the whole set of tough skills is a looooong term investment.


Oct-29-2008 09:30

Gracias to all for the information, I really apreciate your input and guidance!!!! It seems as if faction skills are next on my list.

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