Police Station
Skyler Michaels
Nov-20-2004 15:54
Hi all I was just thinking or have thought this for awhile.Don't you think its funny that we don't have a police station building we can use for our Detective agencies. I mean we have a bank a Theatere and a Firestation for crying out loud. I put in a vote for a Police station how about the rest of you?
Replies |
Nov-23-2004 12:29
perhaps sunny at the moment we have absolutely no toughness at all in our agency, we used to but not any more, it is good to have a ballance i know but not at the moment
Nov-23-2004 13:49
i think that my charm bonus was mostly a monkey see monkey do kind of thing, i do not see how you can attach a bonus to a building and not to individual agents
Nov-23-2004 14:32
and since agents tend to change or dissapear it wont be useful to atach charm or tough etc.. to ur agency building. u cant be sure u will always have the same amount of chrming dtectives running around naked in the building wearing monkey paws.
we will have to move everytime the agency get new detectives.
Nov-23-2004 19:00
Ben, it would be fun to have some different locations that are roughly equivalent so that we aren't all in the abandoned theater just because it's the biggest. When I joined The Underground, I thought, how weird but yet cool that there is this abandoned theater that is underground! Then I looked around at the other agencies and thought "Wow! There sure are an awful lot of abandoned theaters in this town!" Of course, we still have the only one that is subterranean! :)
Lady Ruby Caplan
Aug-17-2006 09:06
*laughs* I was scrolling through Post History looking for something and saw the name of this thread. It cracked me up, just WHERE is the police station?
Al Z
Aug-17-2006 10:43
I think this thread must have been about when you open an agency and the different kinds of buildings you can purchase through the real estate office. Depending on the size of the building, the rent costs more but the larger the building, the more agents, crime lab possibility, etc. etc.
sushi kitty
Aug-17-2006 10:59
why no one thought of a sushi restaurant is beyond me.... : )
Summer Frost
Aug-17-2006 11:10
Thats why we have you around Sushi, to remember us about one of the great pleasures in life, you, i mean, sushi.....
Aug-17-2006 14:53
Can we expect more old threads to be bumped up?
Lucky Stiff
Aug-17-2006 20:49
looks like its becoming a trend....