Can the Guilty suspect Die?
Oct-5-2008 22:35
Hi, I'm working on a case. I got the podiatrist to match a footprint to someone w. a fake alibi. However when I went to accuse him he was ! Am I just out of luck?
Replies |
Oct-5-2008 22:40
Edit* Just to be clear he was . Sorry for the typo
Oct-5-2008 22:40
ok sleuth doesn't like certain words like d e a d
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Oct-5-2008 23:08
No, a guilty suspect can never die. So chances are there is another piece of evidence that matches to someone with a fake alibi and has been ruled out by research as well. That person will NEVER die on you.
Here is the formula for successfully getting the guilty person:
There are 3 rules in this game. As soon as you have one of these you can accuse:
PE + false/stated no alibi = GUILTY!
WE + false/stated no alibi = GUILTY!
A clam is NOT the same as a no!
If you CANNOT get a alibi out of anyone, and you have done research, QUIT the case. It is better to quit than take a guess and get an FA!!
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Oct-5-2008 23:08
PM me if you need any more assistance :)
Oct-5-2008 23:41
The guilty person can never die. You may have run across a bug in the game, in which case send that in the bug reports.
Are you sure its a match with a fake alibi or is it unknown alibi?
Big difference
Sleuth About Town
Oct-5-2008 23:46
PM sent for clarifications to the original poster...
Oct-6-2008 01:53
And we shouldn't forget the possibility of Sleuth Helper going nuts !
Oct-6-2008 13:15
If you use the automated Sleuth helper, be careful. I both use it and love it, BUT it never hurts to double check things. For instance, I've recently had instances of female suspects showing up in the automated helper as males.
Your best bet is to double check everything very carefully.
Sleuthgirl Ciara
Oct-17-2008 23:20
it is the sme with booty pagents and the meatball cooking or else no one gets dinner and you get slaps. porkbeef and gillties should be more tenders.
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper
Oct-17-2008 23:35
huh? :)