im new
Lil baby
Aug-28-2008 22:04
Hey peeps im a new chic in town and i need help what do u do if all ur suspects have alibi's but all of them have been seen near the crime seen or seen with a weapon or washing blood of thier hands
Replies |
Aug-28-2008 22:21
You have to check their alibis to see if they are real or false. Have you done the tutorial?
Lil baby
Aug-28-2008 22:25
yeh they are all true
Lil baby
Aug-28-2008 22:27
Its so frustrating....but i have more evidence against the uncle and cousin i think there mite have been 2 people at the scene
Story Teller
Aug-28-2008 22:28
movin it on over to newbies section...
Pinball Amateur
Aug-28-2008 22:51
Umm, dunno exactly how many people you've found, Lil baby, but there has to be at least one person in every case who has a false alibi, matches a piece of physical evidence, and has a total of two witness evidence statements against them. That person is your killer. Good luck! ;-)
Julianna Blackwick
Sep-4-2008 17:28
Try talking to the other players, like the Bartender or the Priest (etc,etc). They usually give out hints and sometimes new suspects. I won't garantee it will work though.