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Guard Dogs on the Sleuthetania
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Aug-6-2008 10:21

I have just lost my map for the cargo hold because I stumbled onto guard dogs 3 time...sigh Too bad I didn't side with the Tigers. I guess their influence extends to the ship's cargo hold. Are the Steepers asleep at the wheel?? Can't they find something to neutralize these dogs!! Darn it wait till I get back to Shangri La you useless Steepers grrrr.


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Aug-8-2008 14:39

The shoes you get are only +1 in charm or tough above what you can get in AVHs. They don't really do anything for you, they're just "bling." Yes, I have mine but I didn't notice any change in my game. Like I said they're just decoration, definately NOT worth stressing over.

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Aug-8-2008 14:50

add. The boots/shoes are nice, the stress I was refering to was Miss Snopes BP.

Sorry if I offended anyone, my brain and the keyboard are not in sync. The boots/shoes are good.

'nuff said.

Lucky Stiff

Aug-8-2008 21:08

"things seem to come in shifts for my det"

Umm... that IS random. Have you ever done that math teacher trick, flip a coin 100 times and see which way up it lands?

miss snopes
miss snopes

Aug-9-2008 04:20

Yep. Tails tends to have a slight edge over heads. ;)

You're right Sophie, shoes aren't worth bad health. haha I was just aiming for the humerous with the BP talk.

Lucky Stiff

Aug-9-2008 05:53

See, you must be using different coins then me... mine are always heads up! ;)

Of course if there were more of a choice besides shoes, say Gucci bag or Prada jacket, then TD would win hands down. :P

Vampiric Smile
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer

Aug-9-2008 09:31

People that have made the mistake to follow the Steepers are simply trying to put some credit in their false decision !
Nothing is ever changing in this stoned game !

Old Shoe

Aug-9-2008 09:48

If solutions was that simple, you might tell us who Guiltfinder are going to side with? Steepers? ;-)

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Aug-9-2008 10:14

Yes nothing changed, same supercilious comments from VS...
hahahaha *ouch* I think my sides have just split.


Aug-9-2008 23:43

Aknas of course we don't lose hope!!!And we don't lose any cases from Pirates for sure!

Personally , chosing HN is a decision I don't regret for .Try catching that damn Villain around the cities (every damn Villain will do:P) and always crossing fingers for those bloody Pirates not to show up!

If I could do my travelling without caring about my lost cases because I knew I could pump my character with another character's cases like someone from my country who posted in this thread , I would probably choose TD too.

Old Shoe

Aug-10-2008 02:10

Everyone knows that when you are hunting a Villain, you are alone, and you cannot access case files. So, you cannot "pump your character with another character's cases". On the other hand, everyone gets new cases each day. Also those who go with the Tigers. ;-)

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