Guard Dogs on the Sleuthetania
Aug-6-2008 10:21
I have just lost my map for the cargo hold because I stumbled onto guard dogs 3 time...sigh Too bad I didn't side with the Tigers. I guess their influence extends to the ship's cargo hold. Are the Steepers asleep at the wheel?? Can't they find something to neutralize these dogs!! Darn it wait till I get back to Shangri La you useless Steepers grrrr.
Replies |
Old Shoe
Aug-8-2008 13:23
when I first went to the catacombs in cairo I was successful about 1 in 3 times then after 9 trips I went 5 straight where I was successful before I had another failure. I cant even get a chance to go on the ship, I havent got the right favs since I got my contacts. I would love a chance to meet the guard dogs and Im sure if I ever get a chance I wont be successful here as it does seem that the longer you try the less successful you are but Ill be back to try again.
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Aug-8-2008 13:45
Its weird, for me I cannot go in the catacombs because I'm absolutely TERRIBLE at it. However, on the ship in the Cargo Hold, I've been in 3 times and been sucessful each time. And I do have HN. So I do agree with you Miss Snopes, I do think its random based on each detective.
Old Shoe
Aug-8-2008 13:58
I only know how it is to walk the catacombs of Cairo, and since I have worked on a "MapWalker", a program that draws the map for me when I walk there (no, you don't have to fear, I will not do another attempt to push this kind of stuff to you), I did some studies of what kind of maps you could get in the Catacombs. And, I found that I could have maps where there was only one trap (where I would have been bound to find the treasure), and I had maps with 5 or 6 traps, where it was very difficult to find a treasure if you did not have Trap Detection.
This was what I got when I had those maps you get from favors. I don't know if the maps get different when you are searching for shoes.... ;-)
miss snopes
Aug-8-2008 14:17
I'm right there with you LJ, I am TERRIBLE in the catacombs too.
It's a waste of my time and skill points (not that I need the latter) to even enter them, not to mention my blood pressure after the 3rd time they string me up. I told the Professor just last week I would double my payment in skill points if he would just not hire me the next time I ask.
Con Artist
Aug-8-2008 14:29
When I first went inside the catacombs, I was going around in circles. I do not even know what an artifact looks like! I remember telling Miss Snopes that it's impossible for us (with HN) to get an artifact. I got discouraged. I was even surprised that no players with HN skill raised an issue. I wondered how they were able to do it.
However, for some strange ways, I got lucky and had opportunities to get artifacts and some books. Now I know it is possible.
So, players with HN skill, don't lose hope. Yes, it is possible!!! ;)
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Aug-8-2008 14:39
The shoes you get are only +1 in charm or tough above what you can get in AVHs. They don't really do anything for you, they're just "bling." Yes, I have mine but I didn't notice any change in my game. Like I said they're just decoration, definately NOT worth stressing over.
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Aug-8-2008 14:50
add. The boots/shoes are nice, the stress I was refering to was Miss Snopes BP.
Sorry if I offended anyone, my brain and the keyboard are not in sync. The boots/shoes are good.
'nuff said.
Lucky Stiff
Aug-8-2008 21:08
"things seem to come in shifts for my det"
Umm... that IS random. Have you ever done that math teacher trick, flip a coin 100 times and see which way up it lands?
miss snopes
Aug-9-2008 04:20
Yep. Tails tends to have a slight edge over heads. ;)
You're right Sophie, shoes aren't worth bad health. haha I was just aiming for the humerous with the BP talk.
Lucky Stiff
Aug-9-2008 05:53
See, you must be using different coins then me... mine are always heads up! ;)
Of course if there were more of a choice besides shoes, say Gucci bag or Prada jacket, then TD would win hands down. :P