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Stupid stupid STOOPID catacombs!

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter

Aug-1-2008 17:41


*This is merely an expression of frustration** and not a call for change nor a formal complaint against Sleuth Noir, any characters (fictional or otherwise) contained therein, Hypothetical Software, the administrators of Hypothetical Software, the fine residents of Cairo, or pirates. This disclaimer applies only to the original poster of this thread, all others post at their own risk.

**my wife looks at me funny when I scream in frustration in real life. However, after over a week away from my agency and several trips to into the abyss with nothing but traps (excepting one dead end) I'm frustrated as hell.


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Aug-1-2008 19:46

Obviously you have aligned yourself with the Tea Steapers.
So did I .
My advise to you ,Jesse....a good and honorable sleuther.......keep trying! There are spoons to be found in those pyramids. You can exchange those spoons for the certificates you need.

Check me out I"m a Tea Steeper and I've got THE boots for a tough girl :)

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Aug-2-2008 03:45

Well, I often help my girlfriend pass through the catacombs and we always make a map, only failed I think 2 times in about 12 attempts. I'm not sure why it helps, but you can see where the end of the routes are... maybe we're just lucky though.

Old Shoe

Aug-2-2008 06:49

Actually I have to agree with Brasco.

It seems like the catacombs understand when I make a map, and then behaves more favorable... ;-)


Aug-2-2008 12:28

I make maps as well but I have failed more times then I have cared for, but that's what happens when you align yourself with the Steepers, I still prefer the Hostage Negotiations though.

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Aug-2-2008 16:12

There's no doubt about it, Steepers rule! :D

Lucky Stiff

Aug-4-2008 11:27

What, you can fail at the catacombs?

Muah hahahahaha

*Evil grin and complete disregard for everybody else's misery

miss snopes
miss snopes

Aug-11-2008 11:06

I also make maps everytime I've been in but haven't been successful yet. Maybe I'm just a horrible cartographist though. ;)

Ellie Cushion
Ellie Cushion
Pinball Pro

Jun-26-2013 14:40

sob sob sob, im stuck in Cairo in need of some treasure for the next step in my nemesis hunt, but i cant get past those hellish traps-I feel so alone stuck here with nothing to do but try and get favors from my contacts only to get caught by traps 3 times and then do it all over again. I feel like im stuck in a ground hog day!

Ellie Cushion
Ellie Cushion
Pinball Pro

Jul-2-2013 13:51

Ok so im still in Cairo i cannot get passed the traps in the catcombs to get the secret plans, that is needed for my nemesis hunt, im at my wits end!!!!!!!

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