Huglovers Townie Sweeper
Jul-25-2008 20:22
Hi all,
Huglover has put alot of time and effort into designing a toold which will allow us to ask the townies a specific question all at once instead of having to visit them individually. I have tested the tool and it works really well. It is now available for download from DPI's website:
There is also a link for installation instructions. As far as I know it only works with Windows XP and Internet Ecplorer 6 but I have had some mild success with IE 7.
The disclaimer is that the program is to be used at your own risk, you have to change some security settings so do so at your own discretion. Any questions on getting it to work can be directed to Huglover or myself (preferably Huglover as it's her baby).
I would like to be the first to thank Huglover for a job well done.
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Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Jul-26-2008 07:00
"which will allow us to ask the townies a specific question all at once instead of having to visit them individually."
What does that mean, exactly?
Jul-26-2008 07:16
that means that you go to one page and whatever question you want. Then the program "visits" each of the townies and gives you what the answer to your question is. It saves you alot of pointing and clicking
Old Shoe
Jul-26-2008 08:13
Hoping not to reveal too many secrets....
In Shangri La, there is a question I often ask to about all the townies (i.e. scholars), in order to be able to do a certain task.
By having the program "sweep" through the townies for me, I don't have to do all the clicks it takes me to visit each of them, asking the question, noting down their answer, leaving to come to the map, and then restart with the next townie.
I write the question once, and get all the answers... ;-)
This is possible to do, because it's VERY predictable what I am going to do... - so repeating such predictable actions may be automated by a program. That's what I have done.
Battered Shoe
Jul-26-2008 11:55
Isn't the pointing and clicking actually what you do to play the game? I mean.... why not build a program where you replicate the logic you use in your head when solving a case so you can just auto-solve your cases? It wouldn't be impossible to do something like that.
Sorry... but I am not a fan of this. I haven't looked at it and probably won't. But Huglover, I do recall a post you made recently that you haven't published this to the wider community because you were concerned about your program putting stress on the server and impacting the performance of Sleuth. And then you posted that you don't care because you are not playing anymore (i.e. taking your ball and going home) so you could care less if the server crashed. I certainly hope that I misunderstood that and that is not what is going on here.
Either way, for those of us who actually enjoy the process of solving a case, I think this would take a bit of fun out of it.
Old Shoe
Jul-26-2008 13:15
Please let me try to explain here...
I have created a program that assist me with the case solving. That's true.
The program made availiable here, does NOT include the case-solving assistant. It includes part of it, but just an addon that I made later on, to help me with just asking the different people in town.
I don't think this program will be a similar threat to the Sleuth Server, because I feel quite convinced that asking a townie a specific question, will create little or no database activity, and very little database updates. This is quite different from what happens when we solve our cases. Also, I feel quite confident that if Ben finds that the TownieSweeper creates too much trouble, we will quite quickly do some slight changes, that will just make the TownieSweeper stop working ;-)
When it comes to case solving, I too enjoys much of the process of solving it, but not really all of it... Some of you uses the "Automated Sleuth Helper" provided by Pidgeot. That program too is a kind of assistant, doing part of the job with solving a case for you, but not everything. My assistant works in a similar way, but are built another way. Some places my assistant works differently, and some places it's just the same. It IS possible to make a program that does all of the case solving, but both will that program be very time-consuming to develop, and it will make case-solving not fun at all. If you are looking for such a program, don't look at me, because I am never going to develop such a program. When it comes to knowing who the killer are, I think that Pidgeot's program gives you more "help" than my program. My program don't tell who the killer are, or that you will now know who the killer are. That is something you need to figure out yourself.
So as to sum up: my TownieSweeper is a different program than my "Sleuth Case Assistant". You can't solve any case with the TownieSweeper, it's only useful when you are not working on a case ;-)
Battered Shoe
Jul-26-2008 18:49
I want to apologize to Huglover for my apparent over-reaction. She explained to me that what she has released was not the piece that she thought would overload the server.
I was extremely pissed off earlier today about some things going down in the other game and I think I took some of it out on her. Sorry Huglover :-)
Old Shoe
Jul-26-2008 19:29
I am not that good at writing english, so I am happy that someone told me that what was written could be misunderstood. Thank you nicnic for helping me see what I had made unclear. :-)
I do share my case-assistant (I don't normally call it a solver, because it's only assisting me in the process), with people who ask, if they agree to not spread further on... - but I do prefer to do it a little more slowly, so that I may get a feeling if the server is slowing down. If the program will help to get activity, it's a good thing, but if it will get so much activity that there is a problem with the server, it's not such a good thing anymore... ;-)
Trying out the TownieSweeper will show you that you still need to figure out yourself what you want to ask those townies about.... ;-)
Old Shoe
Jul-26-2008 19:35
Oh... Well, I don't share my case-assistant with people who are not subscribed, or have not become a "regular" part of the community... ;-)
That program will loop if it's run by a detective who don't have at least one "unclam" skill for suspects, and one "unclam skill" for townies... ;-)
So, if I have seen you online quite often, or seen you posting to make "life" here, I will be more positive than if I get a question for the case-assistant from a complete unknown... ;-)
Old Shoe
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Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe
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