Sleuth Internet Radio
Jul-22-2008 22:55
Well folks, you may or may not have seen my coming soon announcement about Sleuth Internet Radio. And heres an update. The show will debut on August 17, 2008 at 4:00 EDT. I am still working on some special guests and working out a few minor kinks, the link will be available to you all soon.
Rumor has it that a certain Shady character got wind of it as well and may be making an appearance. I'm really looking forward to doing this and hope you will all have fun listening, it will be a live show so anything can happen.
More details coming soon!
Replies |
Jan-10-2009 10:46
Just came up with the air date for the next radio show, it will take place on Sunday Jan 25 at the usual time 4:00 PM EST, -5 GMT, 14:00 server time. On this broadcast I will be announcing the next competition match, be sure to be there for all the details!
Oh yeah, this being the week before the SuperBowl this will also be my SuperBowl preview show,
"What's that Lil?"
"What do you mean I can't talk about football on my show? It's my show and I will talk about it if I want"
"OWWWWW!, Ok, folks, forget, that, I won't talk about football!" ;-)
Old Shoe
Jan-13-2009 05:47
Woo! I think I'll be able to come to this one!
Jan-19-2009 08:26
Just a reminder that the next radio show will be this coming Sunday, January 25 at 4:00 EST (GMT -5, server time 14:00). If you are planning on listening, please try to be on time as I am planning a small tribute to kasg52 at the start of the show. For anyone that has a fond memory of kas, please call in with your thoughts or they can be PMed to me and I will read it over the air. Kas was a regular listener to the show so this is something I really want to do!
Jan-24-2009 08:30
I think we have a great show planned for tomorrow, I have an announcement to make for a new tournament and may even have a new type of segment for the show that relies on listener feedback, be sure to tune tomorrow. I may even have a special surprise for everyone!
Safety Officer
Jan-26-2009 15:54
listening now :)
Jan-26-2009 16:27
I think it was a great show once all of my technical difficulties were squared away, or at least I figured out a workaround for them. To recap, it started off emotional with a tribute to kas52, sunny was a special guest and had something very interesting to tell us. Breit went over a casting call for the stage and a new radio play she would like to work on with people. And Anikka went over the details for the upcoming treasure hunt tournament. The show can be heard here with a transcript of what went on in the chat room with some minor details being edited out because they were spoilers for a scripted mystery.
Safety Officer
Jan-26-2009 16:43
yes I have listened now and I think it would pay everyone to have a little listen when they get a chance for all kinds of reasons. as ctown says at about the 20 minute mark you get a couple of minutes of silence so just skip through that and it's all good. lol ok the hunt competition makes my head hurt, but I hope everyone enjoys it and appropriately appreciates ani's contest-like sluethiness. great job ctown, ani, breit etc etc
Lucky Stiff
Jan-27-2009 07:47
Another great show ctown, I tried to get up to listen live for once but slept through the alarm ;) Well, it was at 5am for me. Lots of interesting stuff there, i might have to have a proper listen again at some time to try and get my head around that treasure hunt thing!
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Jan-27-2009 11:32
I tried to listen live but unfortunately we are down to one computer and the other half decided he needed it much more than me at that time lol. I'm going to have a listen tonight though seems like I missed a looot of stuff :)
Jan-27-2009 12:18
Now Ms. Helen, what could possibly be more important than my show? Don't give me this real life stuff! ;-)