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Jul-22-2008 22:55

Well folks, you may or may not have seen my coming soon announcement about Sleuth Internet Radio. And heres an update. The show will debut on August 17, 2008 at 4:00 EDT. I am still working on some special guests and working out a few minor kinks, the link will be available to you all soon.

Rumor has it that a certain Shady character got wind of it as well and may be making an appearance. I'm really looking forward to doing this and hope you will all have fun listening, it will be a live show so anything can happen.

More details coming soon!


miss snopes
miss snopes

Aug-18-2008 09:58

Great show ctown! And the bar chat was hysterical. I'm excited about the next one and looking forward to hanging out with everyone again.

You're so right Ani about it making sense if you're listening. Poor Aknas couldn't hear it live (she has since listened to a replay) and I can only imagine how confusing we were most of the time. haha

I heard Heimlich's promo last night and loved it! Ctown, be sure to check it out soon, you'll really like it!


Aug-18-2008 10:01

I went back and read a log of the chat session to see what you all were talking about while I was babbling on and on. It was hysterical. I'll post a copy of the chat log over on DPI's website later tonight after I get hom from work!

I'm still laughing about the whole show and how Octavia called in to yell at me! Has she contacted any of you to solve her case yet?

Con Artist

Aug-18-2008 10:03

Finally, I was able to listen to the show. A great show indeed! And it was wonderful to hear the voices of the players and of the admin himself!

Great job, Ctown and Ben! :)

miss snopes
miss snopes

Aug-18-2008 11:55

I haven't heard from Octavia yet. That was pretty fun for a little on-air impromptu!

I'm glad you're going to post the chat log for all to see because it was hilarious in there! A good time by all! It's even funnier to me now knowing you weren't reading it then.

Aunt Pittypat
Aunt Pittypat

Aug-18-2008 13:22

Auntie is soooo sorry she couldn't listen in on her wittle Ctown's radio show. I know he has worked so hard on it, and am thrilled it was such a success. I can't wait to download it so I can listen to everyone and read the chat board.

Is this going to be on every Sunday?


Aug-18-2008 15:56

Every Sunday? Bite your tongue woman!

It will probably happen once a month, I havent becided on the next air date yet but it will take place in September and the format will be a one hour show


Aug-18-2008 18:14

You can now all listen to the replay and view the chat log all at the same place! :-D

Next time I'll have to pay more attention as to what is going on in the chat room, I have a sound clip to describe what was going on in there. And no it's not the nonsensicle ravings one! ;-)

Aunt Pittypat
Aunt Pittypat

Aug-19-2008 12:50

Auntie walks up to Ctown and gives him a swat on the bottom. Talking that way to his Auntie. tsk tsk tsk

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Aug-19-2008 21:27

Sophie creeps up and gives Auntie a quick goose and ducks unseen into a doorway.

(score: 2 fowls)

Pinball Amateur

Aug-19-2008 23:37

ROFL. You two are great. ;-D

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