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Guess How Old CTown Is Today?
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Battered Shoe

Jul-11-2008 08:36

He's 4 years old. Well in Sleuth-time at least. Happy Sleuth-Day ctown! Quite impressive...


Old Shoe

Jul-14-2008 12:19

Happy Birthday bud. Sorry I missed the party I havent been around much lately but when I dropped in and saw there was a party I was very sad that I had missed it. Im pretty sure that you've gotten over the party so here's a 6 pack of Canadian beer so enjoy, it should be enough for you as I know what you are used to. Happy Birthday again and enjoy.

miss snopes
miss snopes

Jul-14-2008 12:56

Aww, now I feel terrible that I missed the party! Better late than never, I guess?

Happy late Bday ctown! I'll be on time for your 5th bday.

Kopper, I think Incredible Hulk underoos will be perfect for next year so start looking now.

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