Need More Cases
Jun-17-2008 06:53
I know this has been discussed on some other thread but I can't find it so I'm posting here. I love playing Sleuth Noir but I find there are not enough cases per day. I don't know if the majority of you out there in Sleuthville think the same but 12 cases is not enough, especially when you lose some to travelling and of course those darn pirates. SOM has 30 cases per day. Is there a reason that players are allowed more cases there than in Noir?
Please Ben, make our day and give us more cases.
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Jun-19-2008 05:48
I already have another subscribed detective Lilangel and I still say that 12 cases per day is not enough. Why not have the possibility of having more cases for those who wish to play them and those who don't can just play the amount of cases they feel is enough for them. This way it would be fair for everyone.
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Jun-19-2008 11:00
I think its fair for everyone right now with the same amount of cases for all subscribers ;)
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Jun-19-2008 11:26
I agree that all subscribers should have the same amount of cases however ija suggested a super- subscription. This is not what Mystie posted Lady Jas. She just wants more cases per day for all subscribers. That.. I agree with.
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Jun-19-2008 12:07
I still say that 12 is enough. Jesse, I agree with you. Most players have left either to Shades or just left the game in general because they either got bored, or real life took over again thus reducing their gameplay to barely nothing.
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Jun-19-2008 12:46
I think 12 is enough too. In fact I don't know anyone who doesn't have at least 1 roll-top desk for extra storage. Many people, myself included, don't play much on weekends and it takes a couple days to catch up again through the week. One solution is to gain extra cases by getting sidekicks.
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Jun-19-2008 12:56
Post Script: Super subscriptions would really unbalance a treasure hunt not to mention throwing the individual scores all out of whack. And what about those who can't afford to pay any more for the sub? Some people have to pay an unfavorable exchange rate if their money is less than the US dollar. Nope, that wouldn't be fair at all.
Jun-19-2008 13:02
What harm would it do to have.. say 15 cases per day. Those who want to play them all would and those who don't wouldn't. Being bored or having a roll-top desk for storage, no offence Lady Jas and Sophia, really isn't the issue, what is is the fact that some people would prefer to have the opportunity to have more cases.
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Jun-19-2008 13:14
Mystie, Sophie has suggested a way to get more cases...sidekicks! And no offense to you either, but more cases IS the issue, as thats what the post is about...so roll top desks DO give you more cases because you can store any free cases you might get from other agency members, thus increasing your daily case number. And being bored DOES have to do with more cases in a way because most of the people that have left from either boredom or gone to shades, never played all 12 of their daily cases. So in a way it does connect together. Jesses was right when he said that people have found other things to occupy their time. And because of that, the sleuth number has dropped increasingly. For the the people that are still around, a lot of us do struggle to find time do do all 12 cases as well as balance a family, and career, and even education.
Now if your a stay at home mom or wife or even husband/dad, then you'd have a lot of time on your hands and would want more cases definately!!
The fact of the matter is some people would prefer to have more cases, and some wouldn't prefer to have more cases. I doubt anything more will be done on upping the cases unless Admin decides to, but in the meantime, try getting people to subscribe and send them a sidekick coupon.
Jun-19-2008 13:48
Wow I didn't think this thread would attract such attention..lol
I must be dense because I don't understand why having more cases would be a problem for those who can do only 12 cases or less per day. All they would have to do is not do them. The extra cases would not be an obligation, they would be there for those who want to do them.
Again no offense but just because someone doesn't have the time nor the interest in doing more cases the fact remains that some people would love to have this choice.
Aunt Pittypat
Jun-19-2008 14:25
I agree with you Mystie, at least those who want more cases have them. If you don't want more cases, don't do them. geesh.