USS Sleuthetania
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Jun-13-2008 14:13
The USS Sleuthetania expansion will be ready at 6pm MDT tomorrow (Saturday 6/14). The ship will stay docked in New York from that time until Sunday night, after which she will set sail on her maiden voyage.
Once aboard, you're committed to staying on the ship for three days of travel time (counting from the time she leaves port). So, make sure to pack an extra pair of socks!
Replies |
Con Artist
Aug-15-2008 14:14
HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has happened again! I boarded in Shanghai barely 24 hours ago and just logged in today to find myself standing in New York again and I haven't even played yet today. That's another $20,000 I've lost. I just came from my friend's place, and she's still on board!
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Aug-16-2008 13:28
The following Sleuthetania related bugs have been fixed:
1) You can no longer be pirated when attempting to board the Sleuthetania.
2) The "short" journeys some people were getting from Shanghai to New York have been fixed. Depending on the time of day you board, you should now have between 48 and 72 hours before reaching your destination.
3) When disembarking from the ship, you should no longer be stuck with unusable ship favors. (i.e. still holding a Captain favor after being dropped of in Shanghai).
As usual, sorry for the seasickness...
Old Shoe
Aug-16-2008 13:35
Something that would be nice for us people whose home base isnt in New york or Shanghi is a schedule of where the ship is so we dont have to travel just to find out where the ship is. Couldnt we just have the same thing as these 2 cities have to tell us where it is
Con Artist
Aug-16-2008 17:35
Thank you very much Ben! Now I can toss these dramamine, they taste horrible. :D
Aug-17-2008 09:43
Ooh, that's a wonderful idea, Woody! Even though you can't catch the Sleuthetania from London, Delhi, SL, or Cairo, to be able to click on the dock/train and see where the ship is so that you can go there and board... that would help a lot of people.
With any luck, the coding for it wouldn't be much different from the coding for NY and Shanghai, and everyone would know where and when!
Con Artist
Aug-17-2008 10:50
The ship is fun-tastic! :D
I do have a question though. Why is it that whenever I leave the captain's quarters, it will automatically log me out of the game? Is that intentional or a bug?
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Aug-17-2008 13:27
Woody, I made the change you suggested. Thanks.
Sleuth About Town
Aug-18-2008 01:35
Thank you Ben !!!!!
miss snopes
Aug-18-2008 09:44
Aknas, not sure if you got my response in the bar chat yesterday to your above question but if you hit map rather than leave, it won't log you out.
miss snopes
Aug-18-2008 09:48
Thanks Ben! That will be a huge help!!