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USS Sleuthetania
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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Jun-13-2008 14:13


The USS Sleuthetania expansion will be ready at 6pm MDT tomorrow (Saturday 6/14). The ship will stay docked in New York from that time until Sunday night, after which she will set sail on her maiden voyage.

Once aboard, you're committed to staying on the ship for three days of travel time (counting from the time she leaves port). So, make sure to pack an extra pair of socks!


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Jul-31-2008 14:59

Thanks Ben, not just for this but for ALL you have done for Sleuth :)

miss snopes
miss snopes

Aug-1-2008 23:36

Wow! This makes coming home from vacation not so bad. ;)

Seriously though, thank you so much Ben! Also, thanks Anikka and Sophie4 for your work on the books.

Con Artist

Aug-5-2008 15:32

Having a bit of a technical glitch I believe. I boarded the ship in Shanghai Sunday night and am already finding myself standing in New York City. The Music Teacher tells me the Chief Purser has a favor he would like me to do for him. Anyone else having this problem?


Aug-5-2008 21:03

Same thing here with the Engineer

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Aug-6-2008 02:41

I was stuck with the pianist in Shanghai after the first voyage. I reported the glitch.


Aug-6-2008 08:32

Thanks Ben!!! The cruise is really interesting now that we can have new contacts and books to find.

Con Artist

Aug-15-2008 14:14

HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has happened again! I boarded in Shanghai barely 24 hours ago and just logged in today to find myself standing in New York again and I haven't even played yet today. That's another $20,000 I've lost. I just came from my friend's place, and she's still on board!

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Aug-16-2008 13:28


The following Sleuthetania related bugs have been fixed:

1) You can no longer be pirated when attempting to board the Sleuthetania.

2) The "short" journeys some people were getting from Shanghai to New York have been fixed. Depending on the time of day you board, you should now have between 48 and 72 hours before reaching your destination.

3) When disembarking from the ship, you should no longer be stuck with unusable ship favors. (i.e. still holding a Captain favor after being dropped of in Shanghai).

As usual, sorry for the seasickness...

Old Shoe

Aug-16-2008 13:35

Something that would be nice for us people whose home base isnt in New york or Shanghi is a schedule of where the ship is so we dont have to travel just to find out where the ship is. Couldnt we just have the same thing as these 2 cities have to tell us where it is

Con Artist

Aug-16-2008 17:35

Thank you very much Ben! Now I can toss these dramamine, they taste horrible. :D

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