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Just an Observation/Gripe
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Shane Mustang
Shane Mustang

Jun-11-2008 23:06

I'm working a favor. I have 8 suspects. I have 2 Podiatrist PE and 1 Tailor PE.

Excluding one suspect through research, i am left with 4 suspects who have the Podiatrist as an alibi and 3 suspects who have the Tailor as an alibi.

Thank God i did figure out who was guilty, but this is getting ridiculous!!

Just about every case i work, i'm using up what PE i have by checking alibi's! I'm having to solve all my cases with WE. Fortunately, i have been able to solve my cases, but it seems like it didn't use to be this way.

Please don't respond with 'Cases are Random" I used to believe that but not so much anymore.

This is just frustrating, irritating, ridiculous!!


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Jun-12-2008 09:18

If I have a footprint that "could" belong to Bevis and Bevis is using the podiatrist as an alibi; before I ask the podiatrist anything else I will ask if the print belongs to Bevis. If he says yes, then I ask about the alibi. Quite often, but not always, the guilty persons' PE and alibi are the same.

Aunt Pittypat
Aunt Pittypat

Jun-12-2008 11:42

Shane, I have been experiencing the same thing. Everyone has the PE as their alibi.

At first I thought Ctown had been bribing the townies to make it difficult for me, as a way of getting back at me for all the cheek pinching I have done to him. But it sounds more like our esteemed Administrator is making us work harder for our money and rewards.

I suggest you take a break and head over to the local tavern. That's what I do, nothing calms the nerves like a bourbon.... with a beer chaser of course.

miss snopes
miss snopes

Jun-12-2008 14:54

I have noticed a lot more of this lately as well. My avl last week was full of these cases. I had 1 case with all 4 pe and 5 alibis (8 suspects matched the 4 pieces of straight hair found) all with the same townie. Naturally, it wasn't my contact.

Sophie, that's what I do as well. Often times, it keeps from needing to ask for the alibi altogether.

Shane Mustang
Shane Mustang

Jun-12-2008 19:06


Aunt Pittypat I agree with you. I do believe Admin is making us work harder.

Your suggestion sounds great!! A couple of shots at the tavern and i'll be ready to go at it again!

Battered Shoe

Jun-14-2008 00:32

Cases are random.

Aranda Rose
Aranda Rose

Jun-18-2008 10:33

I just started a AV hunt yesterday (my first) and have been wandering around in a daze at my recent bad luck. Very similar cases as to the ones discussed above. My last case 7 of 11 suspects used the bartender (not my contact) for an alibi and the other 4 all used the barber (for which there were 2 PE's!). Add this to having 3-4 people clamming up imidiately it has been very frustrating. I'm still hoping it is just an overwhelming case of bad luck and not a real trend!!
Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Good luck all.

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter

Jun-18-2008 15:44

I've seen this a lot recently also. I don't think I've ever seen more than a combination of six alibi/evidence questions on the townie screen (maaaaybe seven, but I'm not sure). It appears that there is a limit, a ridiculously high limit, but a limit nonetheless.

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter

Jun-27-2008 08:25

Just had a case with six alibis and 0ne piece of evidence all tied to the same townie. Seven it is, I guess.

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