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Research suggestion
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Dr. Hugo
Dr. Hugo

May-12-2004 10:42

Would it be possible for the case file to include what we find when we use our research skill? I often find myself revisiting city hall, especially if there are suspects with similar names.

I would be so nice for it to be either on the front page with the evidence, or in that person's individual file, near the alibi.

Just an idea.



May-30-2004 15:09

I don't know, james lee, these Sleuth folks sure can throw down when it's scrappin' time...maybe we should call some counselors in to mediate! (And maybe someone to tell me what I meant by "throw down when it's scrappin' time." What's up with that?)

james lee
james lee

May-30-2004 17:34

i don't know, why don't you tell us o wise one

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