looking for an agency
Apr-21-2008 15:20
hey all
i see that many of you are recruiting but i want to find an agency that would fit me. i know what i'm doing and i dont need much help, but i would like an agency with an active social interaction and one that enjoys treasure hunting and the like.
PM me if youre interested in what i have to offer :-D
Replies |
Sir Kenneth Vyvyan
Apr-24-2008 11:56
I believe only moderators can delete posts and you will find that there are several posts here where detectives have found jobs but in time if nobody responds to them they just drop down the list so you dont notice them
Botsie Boots
Old Shoe
Apr-24-2008 16:26
really sir kenneth...you learn something different from everyone you speak with...I was told last time I left a message on this board to remove it...I dont remember what I did, but I removed the post...oh well, no lost cause anyway..but if you are correct and things have changed thanks for the info...
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Apr-24-2008 17:59
Im with Kenneth on this. It's always been that if you post on the message boards and it needs to be deleted due to spoilers, or double posts or things that are inappropriate or off topic, that Moderators are the only ones that have the capapbility of doing so, as they have certain functions that the rest of us don't.
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Apr-27-2008 13:16
"Moderators are the only ones that have the capapbility of doing so, as they have certain functions that the rest of us don't"
Like climbing trees and shaking the branches to get the "nuts" out. Or flying in place like hummingbirds. Even LJ, shes so helpful , I could tell you stuff but, she's too modest I don't want to embarass her.
I love our Mods, they're so talented. Thanks to all of you.
PS. Hope you got the tree reference SS