Server Downtime - Firday Morning (Apr-18)
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Apr-18-2008 12:46
The Sleuth Noir server was down for approximately 10 hours this morning. It just needed a good talking to, and is now behaving itself properly.
In accordance with our subscription policy, we've credited all current subscribers with a full extra day on their subscriptions.
Sorry for the inconvenience, and Happy Sleuthing!
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Apr-19-2008 06:52
Thanks Ben for giving us Sleuth back as quickly as possible. Like Sophie, I too, was beginning to get the shakes...lol. I managed to do solve a few cases before ending my day and that helped to calm my nerves :))))
Sleuth About Town
Apr-20-2008 02:37
Um... Why are our posts and PMs one hour behind the server time?
Are they acting like Ctown? (jokingly asking, of course)
I suppose, if they are, of course they'd have to rebel just a bit. It'd be nice if they could all just behave as they should and do what they should when they should. *giggles*