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Arch Villain Hunt Tournament
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Apr-12-2008 15:09

Well it never took off over on the AVL site, so Dawg Pound Investigations is proud to announce that we will be holding a tournament. lilangel and myself have been working the past few weeks to get enough teams interested and finally have them together. If all goes well, there will be more tournaments to follow which we will make open to all agencies. Our tournament will begin on Monday, April 14 and will be 4 or 5 rounds. details can be viewed here:

Any questions feel free to PM me. We will also use this thread for any trash talking that the players want to begin with. Let the fun begin! :-D



Sep-11-2008 18:53

Congratulations Aknas!

Aww, what the heck, Ctown... why not go all out and spring for some Taco Bell!!!

Stormy Day
Stormy Day

Sep-12-2008 09:56

Yes, I suppose congratulations are due to Aknas for a job well done on the hunt.

However, I'm not so sure I can go along with this date business. It would be wise to keep this little exursion platonic. We wouldn't want sweet Aknas to have an "accident".

Ctown, did you forget your MINE?

Con Artist

Sep-12-2008 11:06

Wow! All I can say is Thank You!

Thank you, Mitstux and Turtledove for making this tournament such a challenging one. It was an honor to compete against the two of you.

Thank you to all of the players who joined in this tournament. If it were not for you guys, I would not be here now. :D

Thank you Ctown, for organizing this tournament. (where‘s my reward?)

Thank you Kasg56, Evelyn Gardner and Miss Snopes, three good friends of mine in this game who gave their support.

Thank you to Agatha, Brasco De Gama and to all the members of TIA for being the best arch villain hunters in all of sleuthville! And for inspiring us to be just like you guys. ;)

Thank you to Anikka, Brick and Topkebab for congratulating me.

TK is right; we should have another tournament - TIA vs. everyone else. It would surely be a blast! :D

Moreover, to the bystanders who were merely watching the tournament, get on the next one. You will enjoy it! ;)

As for my reward, Ctown it better be something “to die for” Professor Cruella Claw was such an elusive villain that I got loads of nasty threats and got hit by fruit carts several times. It is just fair that my reward be something marvelous! :D

Er, scratch that ‘to die for’ phrase, Stormy Day is looking at me, ready to burn my skin with her straightening iron and cigarettes.

But, seriously, with or without a reward, it does not really matter. What matters most is that I had fun and I think so did everyone else! :)

Stormy Day
Stormy Day

Sep-12-2008 12:49

I have my spies ready at McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell and Sonic.... just in case he decides to be a big spender.


Sep-12-2008 14:36

That ctown really gets around doesn't he. I just had a date with him last week!


Sep-12-2008 22:16

Yeah, it's true. I spied Ctown and Bonelady at Kentucky Fried Chicken. I guess he was truly painting the town red that night!


Sep-13-2008 08:06

Well Aknas decide on where we will be going:

This could be fun, pay attention to the dress code:
Dress Code
Jackets are required; no jeans, sneakers, t-shirts

That means I'm going wearing nothing but my Mysterious Gentlemen! ;-)

Stormy Day
Stormy Day

Sep-13-2008 09:02

The RAINBOW ROOM? Stormy eyes Aknas evily while puffing away on her ciggarette and wondering how she can use her straightening iron as a weapon.

It's just as well that Ctown decided not to go to McDonalds or Taco Bell. I found my worthless spies fast asleep with their faces smashed in a Big Mac and a Nacho Bell Grande.

Hhhhhmmm, I wonder what would happen if Aknas found herself tied up in a closet on her date night and Stormy stepped in to take her place at the Rainbow Room with her beloved Ctown? Yes.....

**Stormy starts scheming how to pull it off**

Aunt Pittypat
Aunt Pittypat

Sep-13-2008 14:37

Auntie hates being behind in learning the latest gossip. But Oh My, this is so excited. She claps her hands together giddily. Her little Ctown is finally going out on a date with a girl she can approve of. That Aknas is so beautiful and what a nice girl. So much better than that frizzy haired thing that has been chasing him around. Why in my day a girl would be ashamed to act like that in public.

Auntie frantically searches her handbag to make sure her spit hanky is at the ready so she can make Ctown look his best when he picks up Aknas for their date.

Oh. All this excitement is getting to Auntie. I need to head on over to the bar and get myself a bourbon.... with a beer chaser of course.


Sep-27-2008 09:34

Well its about that time to announce the next AVH match. This one is called Tag Team Turmoil and is slated to start on Wednesday, October 8. Two members per team and as always details can be found here :

Get those teams in and have fun. Any questions just send me a PM!

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