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Arch Villain Hunt Tournament
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Apr-12-2008 15:09

Well it never took off over on the AVL site, so Dawg Pound Investigations is proud to announce that we will be holding a tournament. lilangel and myself have been working the past few weeks to get enough teams interested and finally have them together. If all goes well, there will be more tournaments to follow which we will make open to all agencies. Our tournament will begin on Monday, April 14 and will be 4 or 5 rounds. details can be viewed here:

Any questions feel free to PM me. We will also use this thread for any trash talking that the players want to begin with. Let the fun begin! :-D


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Sep-10-2008 12:24

Congrats Aknas. Well done!!!

No Ctown, it is not the end of TIA dominance. We Will Be Back!!. We will just make sure that Aknas is not competing in the next

Thanks for the AVH Ctown. It was a lot of fun. Now, how about that drink I owe you. I will see you in the Tricky Mister.

Con Artist

Sep-10-2008 12:52

Huh? What? Did someone say my name? :D

Is it turnover already? Where is Mitstux?

*is still confuse after chasing Cruella*

miss snopes
miss snopes

Sep-10-2008 13:07

Congrats Aknas on a job well done!!!!

And congrats to Mitstux and Turtledove for taking home the silver and bronze!

Evelyn Gardner
Evelyn Gardner
Sleuth About Town

Sep-10-2008 13:50

Congratulations for Aknas!! Good job ;)

And yes turtledove is right, there is no end of TIA dominance ;) I will be there in the next next match even if I have to stay awake until 2 am to finish my cases :))

Thank you for managing all this Ctown, we are very glad to be a part of your tournaments and matches!

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Sep-10-2008 14:00

lol Congrats Aknas, if it wasn't someone in TIA, then I'm glad it was you ;)
As for TIA losing it... well... lets see... so that's Gold in the team event and Silver and Bronze in the individual pursuit... hmmm... What we really need is an undisputed number one individual villain hunter really isn't it? :P


Sep-10-2008 15:52

Oh, is Mitstux throwing in the towel already?

I'm actually surprised this is going by so quickly, there will be another one of these matches in the very near future. I'll be announcing a date on this Sundays radio show. There I will also make the announcement of the winner and what the prize will be. Like I said, I didn't expect it to end so quick and considering I'm not standing anymore now I have to scramble! Besides, I wont you to all anticipate what she is going to win!

Old Shoe

Sep-11-2008 02:15

congratulations to all participants!!! well done Aknas, Mitstux and Turtledove!!

i hope to participate in the next one! :))


Sep-11-2008 03:11

Sorry for not posting earlier:)

Congratulations Aknas for another great hunt , achieving 2 3-day hunts one after the other is a fantastic performance , you are in top shape so this is a win well deserved :~)
Unfortunately Hugo and I had some problems in our 3rd cities (NY and Shanghai) so we couldn't manage to finish yesterday :( .

As for TIA's dominance ctown , I think you know pretty well that in TIA our primary goal is to have fun , being #1 AVH agency is not something we had planned or a goal we had set , but this is mainly our way of enjoying Sleuth , hunting villains . However , in my opinion , the 290 villains caught and put behind bars from us is is an undisputed fact that TIA is dominating and will probably be dominating this aspect of the game for a long time :~)

Thanks again for this competition , I will probably not participate in the next tournament as I have some troubles with my PC but I will be around , catching up with the tournaments and the news :~)

btw , I love this thread :~) It is active for so long and there is not a single flaming or trolling post :DD . Great stuff :D

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Sep-11-2008 05:53

Thank you Miss Snopes, you are very kind. And yes the silver or bronze is fine by me. Anyway, I had fun playing and that is what is important :))))))


Sep-11-2008 06:05

Oh yes :) Right Hugo:~)

Thank you Miss Snopes , you are always so kind:~)

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