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Arch Villain Hunt Tournament
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Apr-12-2008 15:09

Well it never took off over on the AVL site, so Dawg Pound Investigations is proud to announce that we will be holding a tournament. lilangel and myself have been working the past few weeks to get enough teams interested and finally have them together. If all goes well, there will be more tournaments to follow which we will make open to all agencies. Our tournament will begin on Monday, April 14 and will be 4 or 5 rounds. details can be viewed here:

Any questions feel free to PM me. We will also use this thread for any trash talking that the players want to begin with. Let the fun begin! :-D


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Sep-8-2008 07:40

Good luck Aknas and Mits. And no Mits you will not capture my villain. She and I have a score to settle. She has kept me in Delhi one whole day before she dropped the final clue on my last case..grrrrrrr


Sep-8-2008 11:00

Topkebab!!! Where did you get that foam hand?

It's the wrong finger...


Sep-8-2008 11:20

Not only is tk using the wrong finger, did you all happen to notice what she is doing with that finger?

Now cmon tk, you shouldn't pick your nose in public! ;-)

Lucky Stiff

Sep-8-2008 21:03

*stops picking her nose quickly*
I'm in public???!
*pokes ctown in the back with said wrong finger*


Sep-9-2008 01:57

I told you Hugo that generally Delhi is a pain in the a*s...

Later I will provide you all with a link with my most confusing case ever in an AVH , a case which gave me a chill in the spine when I first saw it :~) .


Sep-9-2008 07:19

So , I was in NY yesterday , in the barber shop having my hair cut when someone rushed in the shop and asked for my help...So I went on and helper him with his case ...The crime scene had 4 hairs , 2 curly 2 straight :S .I stuggled a lot but I finally solved the case!!!

So , being very pleased with my success I went to the restaurant to eat something...When I was having desert , another customer approched me and asked for my help...

And this is what I got...

This is all true guyz , no photoshop or other program was used , it's a simple screenshot...I shouldn't have eaten that much though...

And that's why I strongly believe AVHs are the ultimate sensation in Sleuth right now :DDD !


Sep-10-2008 12:01

Well AVH fans, our first detective for this round is in, congrats to Aknas. turtldove and Mits have until turnover to capture their villains or else Aknas will be declared the Last Detective Standing.

Is this the end of TIA dominance? ;-)

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Sep-10-2008 12:24

Congrats Aknas. Well done!!!

No Ctown, it is not the end of TIA dominance. We Will Be Back!!. We will just make sure that Aknas is not competing in the next

Thanks for the AVH Ctown. It was a lot of fun. Now, how about that drink I owe you. I will see you in the Tricky Mister.

Con Artist

Sep-10-2008 12:52

Huh? What? Did someone say my name? :D

Is it turnover already? Where is Mitstux?

*is still confuse after chasing Cruella*

miss snopes
miss snopes
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Sep-10-2008 13:07

Congrats Aknas on a job well done!!!!

And congrats to Mitstux and Turtledove for taking home the silver and bronze!

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