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Arch Villain Hunt Tournament
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Apr-12-2008 15:09

Well it never took off over on the AVL site, so Dawg Pound Investigations is proud to announce that we will be holding a tournament. lilangel and myself have been working the past few weeks to get enough teams interested and finally have them together. If all goes well, there will be more tournaments to follow which we will make open to all agencies. Our tournament will begin on Monday, April 14 and will be 4 or 5 rounds. details can be viewed here:

Any questions feel free to PM me. We will also use this thread for any trash talking that the players want to begin with. Let the fun begin! :-D


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Sep-4-2008 10:08

Congrats on a good hunt Aknas!! Thanks everyone for your kind words and encouragement. It's too bad there won't be more of us in the next round but that's how hunts go. I just hope I'm as lucky with the clues next time around, usually it takes me an average of 4 days to catch my villain. So Aknas and Mits I'll see you Monday. Oh and Ctown, don't drink all the booze before I get there cause regardless of whether I win or lose I'll join you and the drinks are on me :))))))

Aunt Pittypat
Aunt Pittypat

Sep-4-2008 10:58

What do we win for coming in on day 10 (if I'm lucky)? Come on.... give an old lady SOMETHING. ;-)


Sep-4-2008 11:54

How about a shot of bourbon (with a beer chaser of course)? ;-)

Aunt Pittypat
Aunt Pittypat

Sep-4-2008 11:55

Now that's my boy!

miss snopes
miss snopes

Sep-4-2008 12:22

Auntie, it's good to know I won't be out here all by myself still chasing. It's scary around here at night.

Con Artist

Sep-5-2008 04:26

Congrats to you too, Turtledove! :)

We can actually make a deal, you know. We'll do our captures on the 5th day. How's that? Wouldn't that be fun? :D

Kidding aside, I am looking forward to the next round. See you and Mits on Monday! ;)

Lucky Stiff

Sep-5-2008 09:11

Wow, congrats to Mits, turtledove and Aknas. Great round!!

I'm looking forward to watching y'all slug it out next week :D

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Sep-5-2008 11:38

If Mits and I agreed to that deal, Aknas, we could drag on this tourney for a long long long time. Poor ctown wouldn't have time to organize anything else. He would be too busy tracking us around sleuthville ..heheheh. Heck, he could end up running around like a chicken without it's head :)))))) I'll see you and Mits Monday;)))

Thanks Topkebab, and while you're sitting on the sidelines sipping away on a cold beer keep a lookout for Aunt Pittypat. Bourbon and a beer chaser is pretty strong stuff for an elderly lady and I wouldn't want her to fall off the bench and hurt herself. She's a spunky lady but there is a limit to what one can do when one is tipsy and wearing those Hip Waders. Gee, I wonder what ctown was thinking when he offered her that.


Sep-5-2008 13:10

No worries from me with dragging this thing on, easy sailing from here. Most of the work is in the setup and that parts done. The work is now on all of you to keep getting those villains. I hope the prince doesn't run out of rewards for you all! ;-)

I don't think you have to worry about Auntie with the borbon and beer, she's been sucking them down for years! ;-)

*covers cheeks in anticipation of Aunties reply*

Aunt Pittypat
Aunt Pittypat

Sep-5-2008 14:42

Auntie already got your cheeks in the Gumshoe Lounge. :-)

I could use another bourbon.... with a beer chaser of course. How many days have we been on this blasted hunt? I'm still on City #3.

**waddles off mumbling about her darn hipwaders**

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