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Arch Villain Hunt Tournament
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Apr-12-2008 15:09

Well it never took off over on the AVL site, so Dawg Pound Investigations is proud to announce that we will be holding a tournament. lilangel and myself have been working the past few weeks to get enough teams interested and finally have them together. If all goes well, there will be more tournaments to follow which we will make open to all agencies. Our tournament will begin on Monday, April 14 and will be 4 or 5 rounds. details can be viewed here:

Any questions feel free to PM me. We will also use this thread for any trash talking that the players want to begin with. Let the fun begin! :-D


Story Teller

Apr-22-2008 16:42

^ SS is still drinking tea in Shangri La.

miss snopes
miss snopes

Apr-23-2008 10:05

Good luck everyone who started round 2 today!

Sleuth About Town

Apr-25-2008 02:50

wow... lookie at the new faces...

OK... back to the topic... The new tentative date has been set on the website for round 3 ... I'd think this coming up Monday would be too soon so I made it for the following Monday, which happens to be May 5th.

For the Hispanics... that'd be Cinco de Mayo. (a festival for them if I recall correctly... but that'd be another topic on another thread)

Lucky Stiff

Apr-25-2008 03:15

Lil you're being too nice to everyone else... just cos they're so slow...

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Apr-25-2008 13:26

May 5th is good for me , thanks lilangel.

Sleuth About Town

Apr-27-2008 03:58

OK, to avoid future concerns, until the clocks are fixed, I'm going to have to ask that we pay attention to the clocks of when events happen. Those happening after 22:50 on the news or wherever clocks are off, are actually happening after turnover in the city hall.

Thanks for your patience and concerns when asking me to check. I do double check and will check again when asked if people get confused. I will also explain it until it gets fixed. Thanks again for supporting us and helping us on this.

V Buster
V Buster
Old Shoe

Apr-27-2008 05:07

Thanks for those who queried my finish time, but I did finish on day 5. The clock for City News and the forum is a bit over an hour slow.

If you check the News you'll see that the Ambassador's location was advertised at 22:58 and we all know that the ambassador moves at turnover.

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Apr-28-2008 05:36

Nice one Evy and Turtledove! A much needed 3 day 1-2!

It was very kind of Mits' to give our opponents a chance when his mousefinger slipped. Shame they couldn't capitalise... 3 x 5 days... ouch!



Apr-28-2008 05:52

Well Boss , it was a plan so cunning that if you put a tail on it you could call it a weasel (tribute to Black Adder;-) but our opponents couldn't take advantage of it :P

Cheer up , happy sleuthing :D!

Pinball Amateur

Apr-28-2008 20:42

It's been a great Tournament!! Congratulations to all the participants, and good luck to everyone!! ;-D

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