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Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter
Santa's Little Helper

Apr-1-2008 13:54

A thread in a message board in a mystery game on the internet in the 21st century (i.e. reality) about everything and nothing. Just a place to hang out when the cases are done and the addiction still lingers.

Welcome! Some things you should know:
1. You can't wander off topic, there isn't one.
2. Fighting or bickering will not be tolerated, as per the Code of Conduct.

3. Even though YOU happen to be a dear sweet gentle lamb, if your sleuth persona wants to fight or bicker "in character", it's STILL fighting and bickering.
4. Polite and passive aggressive fighting and bickering is STILL...etc etc.
5. Feel free to converse, emote, ramble, post in 3rd person or spanglish, whatever suits your fancy. It's unhijackable!


Brady Quinn
Brady Quinn
Special Deliverance

Apr-2-2008 14:02

Lol, there I go forgetting who I'm logged in as again! ;-)


Apr-2-2008 14:04

Ok, this is much better. Now I feel like myself!

*takes cookie from Brady*

Diane Russell
Diane Russell

Apr-2-2008 16:02

Or ctown could photoshop a long stemmed rose between his teeth instead of the cigarette!

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Apr-2-2008 17:09

Or an oatmeal raisin cookie. I don't eat anything with raisins. They look like someone pulled their wings off. Yuck!

Sleuth About Town

Apr-2-2008 17:10

LOL... he could... or SS could think of something creative with that photo as he's already made it grayscale...

Hmm... SS could use that to his advantage and pull a prank on ctown if he so desired...

Oooh I am EVIL... I should be renamed. :D


Apr-2-2008 18:38

SS did not make it grayscale it was taken in black and white, and he can actually do that with any picture, perhaps I'll take a suggestion someone gave me and post several options nd allow you all to vote! ;-)


Apr-2-2008 23:50

ok, I'll allow you to all decide. I've narrowed it down to 4 possible avatars all sans cigarette. Let me know what you all think, and even though some have already said things like a combo of several I will not be doing any photoshopping!

miss snopes
miss snopes
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Apr-3-2008 00:19

Ahhh, I can't make up my mind. I am going to have to do a dual vote and say 2 and 3, although I like that #1 shows 'ctown'.

Lucky Stiff

Apr-3-2008 04:19

Why does number 3 look like you've been run over with a road painting machine?! I actually like number 2 best 'cos it's got that CUTE liddle dawgie but I guess that will get cut out of the avatar... but I'm still gonna say number 2.

Aunt Pittypat
Aunt Pittypat

Apr-3-2008 04:51

Aunt Pittypat took the honour of voting for Ctowns avatar very seriously. My thoughts are as follows:

Photo number 1: The photo appears to be taken far away and thus the cheeks are too small to get a good pinch in.

Photo number 2: The picture is clear, the little dog is cute, and their appears to be easy access to the cheeks.

Photo number 3: Great cheek size. However, it appears that Ctown may be wearing some sort of facepaint in the picture and that would get Auntie's fingers all sticky and dirty when she went in for the pinch.

Photo number 4: Once again, great cheek access, but the picture is a little grainy.

And after hours of careful scrutinization, I have decided I will vote for the 2nd photo.

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