Jesse Hunter
Master Tracker
Apr-1-2008 13:54
A thread in a message board in a mystery game on the internet in the 21st century (i.e. reality) about everything and nothing. Just a place to hang out when the cases are done and the addiction still lingers.
Welcome! Some things you should know:
1. You can't wander off topic, there isn't one.
2. Fighting or bickering will not be tolerated, as per the Code of Conduct.
3. Even though YOU happen to be a dear sweet gentle lamb, if your sleuth persona wants to fight or bicker "in character", it's STILL fighting and bickering.
4. Polite and passive aggressive fighting and bickering is STILL...etc etc.
5. Feel free to converse, emote, ramble, post in 3rd person or spanglish, whatever suits your fancy. It's unhijackable!
Replies |
Apr-2-2008 11:30
Oh Sophie... you had me at "springtime"
and lost me at "Yanks". Double UGH.
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Apr-2-2008 11:46
Sorry, its Sultan of Swat. How could I make a mistake like that *hangs head in shame*
Ani, I was talking pro baseball not little league ;)
Apr-2-2008 11:49
Now if I were to go with a baseball player it would have to be Bill Wambsganss.
Who is he you ask?
Only the first player to turn an unassisted riple play in major league history, and he did it in the World Series no less.
And while I do like the Yankees, espescially over the Mets, my allegiance has to remain with the Indians! Go Tribe!
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Apr-2-2008 13:15
That was in in 1920 ctown, Neal Ball did it in 1909. He was also an Indian.
Don't ya just love Google?
Aunt Pittypat
Apr-2-2008 13:26
Aunt Pittypat awoke with a snort, all this talk of baseball was making her fall asleep. Aw, there was her little Ctown. He had been hiding from her AGAIN. Aunt Pitty reached over and patted him on the head. "How's Auntie's big boy today? Here, have a cookie dear. They are Oatmeal Raisin. Your favorite."
Brady Quinn
Special Deliverance
Apr-2-2008 13:54
Thanks for the info Sophie, I must have misread it, may Wamby was the first to do it in the World Series!
*munches on Oatmeal Raisin cookie*
Aunt Pittypat
Apr-2-2008 13:59
Smacks Brady's hand away. "Leave those alone, they are for Ctown."
Brady Quinn
Special Deliverance
Apr-2-2008 14:02
Lol, there I go forgetting who I'm logged in as again! ;-)
Apr-2-2008 14:04
Ok, this is much better. Now I feel like myself!
*takes cookie from Brady*
Diane Russell
Apr-2-2008 16:02
Or ctown could photoshop a long stemmed rose between his teeth instead of the cigarette!