AVH Hunt
Diane Russell
Mar-28-2008 16:45
Okay, I started my first AVH hunt yesterday. I've done 21 cases, and have gotten the same 3 clues over and over again.
There is something wrong with this...
Can I just quit and start another one? This is getting ridiculous.
Replies |
Bella Sterling
Old Shoe
Mar-29-2008 07:17
Ah yes, I remember with frustration spending 5 days in Delhi on an AVH with the same clues over and over and over again! I believe that was my first finished hunt where got a Black Mink Coat for all my hair pulling, but fortunately I didn't lose but about $1500. lol The other 2 hunts I did in around 4 days and cost me much more....So some are quick and others are not, some cost ya and others don't.
Just stick with it and good luck! :)
Diane Russell
Mar-29-2008 09:32
Lol, a mink coat sounds good to me! Thanks for the encouragement.
Bella Sterling
Old Shoe
Mar-29-2008 12:19
LOL You're most welcome! Albeit, you would do better with a coat item that is high in Charming and/or Smart points, like the beautiful Evening Gown I'm wearing. ;)
In case you don't know, you can see all the AVH reward items at Sleuthtips.com There you will find pictures and points of the rewards. Also you can check out Eye Spy's or Endeavor's web sites for equipment listing, but they at this time anyway have no pictures available. :)
Happy Hunting!