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Tips for AVHs
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Lucky Stiff

Mar-16-2008 11:20

I'm lying in bed wide awake, 4 hours before having to get up to go to work. So what do I do? Of course, decide to start a new thread on sleuth.

So, my tips for AVHs:

1) When you finish, don't forget that you can go back to doing favours!! Take a lesson from poor detective topkebab, who did about 8 cases in a row, finished all cases for the day, and STILL didn't remember about favours until much later.

2) If you need to travel to a new city but don't have enough cases to go direct, well then you can do a stop-over for the night. Example - I am in NY, need to go to Dehli. Costs 4 cases but I only have 3 left. If I were to travel direct, I would have to wait till tomorrow and use 4 cases. Solution: travel to Shanghai (3 cases) tonight, then tomorrow I can travel to Dehli using only 2 cases. Of course, this does cost a bit more money.

I only have 2 tips at the moment, but I'm sure that some more experienced villian hunters will have lots more to add!


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Mar-17-2008 04:08

Using the travel strategy of tip 2 you are actually spending 5 cases for travel rather than 4 plus the extra money. This works great for saving cases to play after travel. Another way to play it is to play off all your cases before you capture the villain, then travel the next day. This would save you money plus you would get the XP for solving 1 more case.

Thats what makes this game so challenging, there are so many choices.


Lucky Stiff

Mar-17-2008 09:34

Oh that's a good idea.

It means I have to pay more attention to what I'm doing though.

*Note to self - must pay more attention to what I'm doing*


Mar-18-2008 01:05

I prefer to catch the villain when I know where they are unless I only have 1 case. If I only have 1 case I follow Sophie's method as it gives you 1 more lot of XP and money. Otherwise (2 or more) I try and catch them as I know some cities are 2 turns away (a hint there, if you are in London and know you've done New York then the 2 cases needs to become 3 as everywhere else is more than 2 cases away).

This does save cases for the next day and can be very helpful. We have a list of all the travel distances on the Endeavour website found at:

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