Old Shoe
Nov-9-2004 19:54
I couldn't wait to purchase me a bloodhound for Agent_007 today, and change out the skills from all tough 18+, to all smart; however, I didn't check my options on purchasing the clothing for all smart, and bought the bloodhound and a camera first, then checked my selections at all three standings, La Costra Nostra, The Order of Socraties, and The Dies of Brotherhood, when it dawned on me there's no clothing for the smart arch type available, as far as I could see, or does it matter to use half tough and half smart? I was thinking that a nice London Fog overcoat and hat to match would be neat, and that gives 8+ points to complete the look.
Nov-13-2004 12:18
For smart I play with: wristwatch (Cosa), white lab coat (favours, a level lower then incredibly), Russian Fur hat (incredibly favours), bloodhound (socrates.)
Think that is the highest points you can get on smarts.