Cairo Blockade
Diane Russell
Mar-5-2008 12:44
I've been wanting to visit Cairo for over a week now and it's still under blockade...
How long, oh powers that be???
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Mar-5-2008 13:12
Thats right we do Bonelady, thanks for mentioning us. We are a community site and Ms. Russell can find that answer and more at :
Diane Russell
Mar-5-2008 13:57
Thank you, ladies!
Diane Russell
Mar-7-2008 14:18
Okay, I feel quite dense, but I went to your site and still could not find anything on the Cairo blockade. Could you please provide a more specific link?
Or can someone just explain about the blockade and when or how it will be lifted?
Jesse Hunter
Mar-7-2008 16:51
Sent you a PM.
Con Artist
Mar-7-2008 22:44
Jesse...I am requesting the same, if you don't mind.
Mar-8-2008 02:13
All the spoilers on the Endeavour wesbite tend to be the library section so that people don't stumble onto them. But I agree it may need a bit of deduction to find the way to get to Cairo so I will add another link with spolier warning to the map page and section about Cairo.
Lucky Stiff
Mar-8-2008 02:56
actually stooby, the tip on how to get to cairo is in the FAQ of the Endeavour site, not the library.
Mar-8-2008 07:58
I know :-) I put it there. I hand't realised I'd never been clear on how to get to Cairo and rather than make a whole new page I put it in the FAQ and linked it via the city maps page. I hope it's easy enough to find but not to easy.
Jesse Hunter
Mar-8-2008 11:41
haskenhoff, don't know if you still need it, but PM sent.