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Heavy on the notes?

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter
Santa's Little Helper

Mar-5-2008 09:17

Just griping really... move along.

These last three days I've been tracking my evidence and discovered that over 50% of the evidence in my last 28 cases has been notes. Today I'm at 75%. I've even had two AI cases where all four pieces of evidence were notes. Are streaks like this common?

Oh ye Sleuth Gods, why dost thee smite me?


Diane Russell
Diane Russell

Mar-5-2008 10:59

Tell me about it. It seems that as soon as I earn a new contact, the need for that contact disappears! Murphy's Law of Sleuth...

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter
Santa's Little Helper

Mar-5-2008 11:18

Additionally, it seems that if you have 2 right handed notes, 9 out of eleven of your suspects will be right handed. My advanced thread skill is almost as useless as my barber contact.

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Mar-5-2008 13:18

Add to that, if your agencys' only thread contact goes on an AVH everyone in the agency gets nothing but thread cases.

There was another thread about this (no pun intended) titled Sleuth Superstitions.

miss snopes
miss snopes
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Mar-5-2008 23:19

And it is a given that if your agency has 3 of the 4 pe contacts, everyone in the agency WILL be covered up with evidence for the missing contact.

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter
Santa's Little Helper

Mar-6-2008 09:45

Let us never forget that if you have multiple PE of the same type, at least three of your suspects will also use that PE townie as an alibi.

Lucky Stiff

Mar-6-2008 22:09

Amen :)


Mar-7-2008 09:50

Don't forget about when you are on a VH and say you have the Tailor contact in Delhi and Barber in NY. You get nothing but hairs in Delhi and as soon as you finally make your way through and advance to NY the hairs suddenly disappear and the threads start coming out! ;-)

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter
Santa's Little Helper

Mar-7-2008 13:45

I'm discovering a similar effect now...

I haven't taken Advanced Hair Analysis yet because I have the barber contact in my home city, and ONLY my home city. Now that I'm abroad on my first VH, all of the note evidence that prompted me to post has morphed into even more frustrating hair evidence.

Now instead of:
Right Handed Note, Right Handed Note, Slim Footprint, Left Handed Note

I get:
Hair, Hair, Slim Footprint, Hair

That'll teach me to gripe.

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