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To Pay or Not to Pay
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Old Shoe

Feb-4-2008 15:31

I stupidly guessed on a case last week and got a false accusation. I have enough money to pay off Shady, but I am wondering if it would be smarter to wait for a second one (which I hope will never come!) or go ahead and pay it now. I am leaning towards paying now, but I would like to hear the opinions of detectives who have been around longer than I have. Thanks!


Sir Kenneth Vyvyan
Sir Kenneth Vyvyan

Feb-4-2008 16:23

As stated above it costs the same for 2 FAs as 1 so I would wait till I had 2, just remember the price goes up as your experience does and pay off as soon as you get the second FA

Hawkeye Harris
Hawkeye Harris
Battered Shoe

Feb-4-2008 17:10

The logic of waiting until you have 2 is clear, since the price is the same (although if you wait a LONG time it may be much higher) - I just never could let one FA sit on my detective - I had to pay it off. So ultimately, this will be your decision. I follow the rules that Lady Jas indicated above - I have to see one of those on my case screen (top tab at far left when you have a case open) before I will accuse. Solving one case is never worth the amount of money you have to pay if you get a False Accusation.

Pinball Amateur

Feb-4-2008 19:15

It's basically a six-of-one, half-a-dozen-of-the-other kinda question you're asking us to answer here. Paying it now keeps the price currently on your head from getting higher. Paying it later means you can wait a while and use your resources for other things.

The question is, how often do you get falses? Telling yourself you're never gonna get another false again ever is like telling yourself to stop breathing--it ain't gonna happen. But you can go quite a while between them before you make another mistake. Are you willing to let that '1' sit there on your record for a while, or do you want a clean one instead? And will you have the money saved up down the road to pay off your record when the second one strikes (cause trust me, you don't want the third one)?

My personal feeling has always been to get my record clear as fast as possible, like Hawkeye and Jas. But there's just as many around here who'll tell you to wait for the second.

Again, it's basically up to you. Think about your options, and your potential future as far as when you may next be making your next mistake. That'll give you a better idea of what to do.

Hope all that helps. Good luck! ;-)

Old Shoe

Feb-5-2008 06:11

Thanks everyone! Your input was very helpful. I decided to go ahead and pay now, because I am really not going to guess anymore and will be very careful before I accuse. I also wanted to let others know who are in the same situation - when I went to pay, it was already over $3000 higher than the first time I looked (which was maybe a week or a little more ago). And I am only working easy cases, plus all of my favors, trying for contacts. So it might be better to pay now, rather than pay later - and follow the formulas!


Feb-6-2008 03:00

I have the same 1 false sitting in my records for years now :P

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