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Smart Guy
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Feb-4-2008 15:24

I know my smart skills will help me with crime scene info â€" but will Smart have any influence when interviewing suspects or townspeople? Smart & charming seemed like a good combination when I created my detective, now I am not so sure.


Sir Kenneth Vyvyan
Sir Kenneth Vyvyan

Feb-4-2008 16:27

As far as the no. of questions the townies will answer it makes no difference what type of detective you are. The only difference your detective type makes is the no. of skill points new skills will cost you

Hawkeye Harris
Hawkeye Harris
Battered Shoe

Feb-4-2008 17:05

I also chose Tough & Smart before I had ever played the game, dialseven, and have never regretted it. I seem to recall Ben (the game’s creator) mentioning a long time ago that Smart did actually “weigh in” during questioning, just doesn’t show up when using Judge of Character (not a skill you need to worry about right now), but I can’t find it in the message boards. At any rate, concentrate on building your charming interview skills and evidence analysis skills, and work as many favors as you can, keeping your charming (and smart) clothing and selling your tough items.

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