Bending the rules, but not far enough?
Hanz Nachtman
Jan-13-2008 21:23
Im not sure if this is a bug or just a lack of talent on the part of my detective but, after I had the Shoe Maker clam up on me after trying to check an Alibi, I used my chance at rule bending and got this message:
"Milton decided to be more cooperative and answer more questions..
At that, he clammed up quick.
He'd had enough of my questions, unless there was something I could do to convince him to be more cooperative."
According to the first part of that message, I succeeded. However, his cooperation appears to be more clamming up. Is this guy just a no good jerk who's giving me the high hat, or do I have a legitimate complaint here?
Replies |
Jan-13-2008 22:11
Hanz, I see you belong to an agency. Did someone in the agency who has the Shoemaker contact already talk to him?
I've had this problem before and posted about it - several wonderful Sleuths came to my rescue.
Jan-16-2008 22:27
It doesn't sound like you double clicked, because you got both messages on the same page.
1. "Milton decided to be more cooperative and answer more questions..
2. At that, he clammed up quick.
If you double clicked I would assume you would get still be able to see if the alibi was fake or real in the case file.
I think it may have happened to me but its very rare.
Sleuthgirl Ciara
Jan-17-2008 00:07
how much skilpoints is the rule-blending, I read it is better to mix the skills but i don't know how to blend them. is only the agency defectives allowed to do th 'doble-click' skill?
It is not shoing UP on my list :(
<3 <3 <3 ciara
Hanz Nachtman
Jan-17-2008 00:51
Rule Bending is a Charm type skill you can get with enough skill points. The "double-click" thing everyone is talking about is just a mistake that can happen sometimes that may mess up your questioning.
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Jan-17-2008 08:13
Agency defectives.. Lol.