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Amira Diamond
Amira Diamond
Old Shoe

Dec-23-2007 08:46

does anyone know exactly what puligism does...what is it useful for..


Amira Diamond
Amira Diamond
Old Shoe

Dec-24-2007 02:27

actually Breikat I already have it...thought it would help in doing villian hunts...

Battered Shoe

Dec-24-2007 02:31

Depending one what your skills are it should help immensely. I found with my tough detective it made *all* the difference in the world.

Pinball Amateur

Dec-26-2007 14:35

I apologize, Amira. What I meant to say is that for all Unsubbed tough detectives, it's a skill they really should have, yet will never be able to acquire because they can't travel.

(A very good reason to sub, no? ;-)

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