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very very confused
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Oct-31-2004 09:56

sheesh people...u guys are confusing me like crazy...first with the larry the toe guy, and now luc, please tell me who is lucy, i still haven't figured out the "larry the toe" part


Tzu Hsin
Tzu Hsin

Nov-2-2004 00:39

Hi where do you meet Larry the toe??! Who's the lady with the magnifying glass anyway? Where do you find these people?? Pls. help me, I'm sort of new here. Thanks!


Nov-2-2004 09:36

Tzu Hsin, it's a "twist" that will appear eventually in one of your cases. (a cutscene, so to speak). You'll know Larry when you see him. Same with the lady with the magnifying glass. In her cases, you will go up a point with one political faction and down one point with another. In a Larry case, if you solve it, you'll have the option at the end to pay him $500 for directions to Big Lucy's Cabaret.


Nov-3-2004 23:39

aarrgghh...i just finished a case where the lady with the magnifying glass comes, but i still didn't get an option to pay larry the toe?? how come i', not getting it? or is it for more advanced players??


Nov-4-2004 00:15

The lady with the magnifying glass is nothing to do with Larry. She shows that your case will raise your standing with one faction and lower it with another.

Larry the Toe is another twist you will get sometime. In the middle of the case, he talks to you. At the end, if you solve it correctly, you get a chance to pay him and learn the location of the cabaret. I think all levels have the chance of receiving a "visit" from Larry.

Tzu Hsin
Tzu Hsin

Nov-4-2004 01:55

Thanks Moonshh! I was kinda getting confused because I left for a few days and all of a sudden there are threads about Larry the Toe and Big Lucy. I have seen Lucy the player around here though.

By the way what do you mean about the Lady with the magnifying glass? What is a political faction? Is it your standing with the agencys? Thanks for replying!

Tzu Hsin
Tzu Hsin

Nov-4-2004 01:58

Hi again Moonshh. I just read your bio and I was wondering what a Moonlighting Dilattante is. I've seen it in the Message "The story continues..." Thanks!!!


Nov-4-2004 02:16

I wonder...
How does Larry the Toe look like anyway?!!
I keep seeing question about this Larry, Lucy and Shady Guy. Woah. Things are gettin crazy around here.
I've met the lady with the glass, and shady in the street. But no Larry the Toe...


Nov-4-2004 09:30

Moonlighting is to work another job besided your regular one - ie, in the night time, when the moon is out. A dilettante is someone who dabbles. A " Moonlighting Dilettante" is one of the choices when you build your character, nothing unique to me.

Most of these other questions are answered in other threads, if you look. Lots has been written about Lary, Big Lucy, and the Shady Guy.

In addition, the political factions are more of a newbie question. La Cosa Nostra, Dies Arcanum Brotherhood, Order of Socrates. If the lady with the magnifying glass appears in a case, you will gain a point in your standing with one and lose a point in your standing with another - the text will make that clear.

The shady guy is in the bar, and you pay him off if you have two false accusations so that you dont't get permanantly retired with your third.

Larry the Toe will show up in a case as a "twist" or cutscene eventually, and then you will understand much better.

Just keep playing cases and post your questions on the newbie board.

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