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CONTEST: Once Upon a Noir...
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Nov-18-2007 10:24

Well, it's bedtime and I can't sleep. I wanna hear a story!!!

But not just any story, no... that would be too easy. I wanna hear a noir fairy tale.

THE PREMISE: Take a fairy tale and make it Noir.

THE RULES: * Must be based on an existing fairy tale - doesn't have to be a popular one, but at least point me to the original, if it's an obscure one.
* All entries must be posted no later than 11:59 PM, November 30, 2007.
* Spelling and grammar count.
* Please be realistic with story length. If it takes three posts to tell, it's too long!!

THE PRIZES: I'm workin' on it...but there will be prize(s).

I know the last couple of contests were on the restrictive and difficult side, and rewriting a fairy tale as Noir may not be the simplest thing, but there are very few restrictions and rules this time - so let's see what you've got!


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Dec-1-2007 06:39

Such good writing! Each one is a winner. I'm glad I don't have to pick one because there's no way I could without a coin toss. I enjoyed them all.


Dec-1-2007 11:04

Thanks to everyone who entered! Unfortunately, I don't think any of them will help me get to sleep, because they're just wayyyy too exciting. Oh, well, at least I have some new stories to read. :-)

I'll post the winner(s) as soon as the judges have a chance to get together. But I do agree with Sophie - you're all winners ;-)


Dec-2-2007 01:45

Great job everyone... What a twist.


Dec-4-2007 14:31

Well, congratulations to our winners... umm, errr.... the three nameless people who came in first, second, and third.

I'd like to tell you who they are, but it's Top Secret!

Seriously, we do have winners and their names will be announced, but we're getting prizes sorted and whatnot. As soon as I have it all settled, I'll post names and such.

Meanwhile, congratulations again to all of our writers, who jumped right in there when I was having trouble sleeping. I still can't sleep, but I'll never forget how you all tried to help. :-)


Dec-4-2007 15:36

Ooh intrigue :-)

We'll I'll set up a drumroll till the winners are finally anounced!!!

Lady Zeugirdor
Lady Zeugirdor
Pinball Amateur

Dec-4-2007 18:16

Here, let me help with the drumroll. Your arms must be tired.


Dec-5-2007 01:18

Congradulations mysterious people :D LOL

-joins in on the drumroll since the cool kids are-

Kevin Greene
Kevin Greene
Old Shoe

Dec-5-2007 03:02

Poor girl! You've been rolling for almost 4 hours now! Here, I'll take over. :-)

*Continues the drumroll while Alleluia rests her poor arms in a hot bath*


Dec-5-2007 03:30

Keep on rolling kevin...
*continues to watch and cheer*

Demon of the Due Date

Dec-5-2007 09:42

Ooooohhhh, the suspense is just killing us! can't you just see us shiver with
Antici-------pation! ;-)

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